Just in case tremendous queues times didn't tip you off to the fact that a LOT of people are trying out ArcheAge, the most recent game update from Trion Worlds should seal the deal for you.
Brittany Vincent (Page 164)
By Michael Byrne -
In the world of MMOs, delays are common.
By Michael Byrne -
If you've been following (or taking part in) Red 5's Chosen Offensive weekends, you know that round 2 didn't go so well for the devs.
By Michael Byrne -
Aeria Games has opened up the gates of their new MOBA Chaos Heroes Online today.
By Michael Byrne -
Information just keeps flowing about Snail Games' Wings of Destiny expansion for the martial arts based MMO Age of Wushu.
By Michael Byrne -
Fans of the fast paced, manga inspired Elsword just received some new abilities to play around with as Add's Arc Tracer Job Path has been added to the free to play title.
By Michael Byrne -
Eager to "dive" into the depths of the Nightmare Tide?...
By Michael Byrne -