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Brittany Vincent (Page 12)
You know the drill: kill mechs, get motes, buy prizes.
This one has been a long time coming and I'm very interested in how well it does.
Now we wait as Innova will "consider" adding new content after the migration.
The date for the PS4 version to be discontinued will come later.
Today's lesson, class, is "How to get the Sandpaper out of your game's movement."
There's even more, but I couldn't fit it all in the headline.
There's also new mobs, maps, and loot in the Infinite Archive dungeon.
This whole situation is an exact example of how F2P shops manipulate, even down to how things are refunded.
Shredder and Krang are coming along for the ride, and so are some great camos.
Sigh. Timegated, and now this.
Wow, Sony just REALLY doesn't see any value in the game being F2P....maybe.
This means that bonuses offered for pre-ordering will also no longer be available.
The North American meetup is also just around the corner.