The new player experience is also getting rounded out to enhance early gameplay.
The new player experience is also getting rounded out to enhance early gameplay.
Alongside the trailer released a dev video that dives into the habits, likes, and motivations of the team.
It wasn't all bad...but it certainly wasn't great.
Are the devs testing the waters with this one or provoking their fanbase?
So apparently Microsoft believes Activision Blizzard doesn't produce ANY "must have" games.
When the devs say "stress test," they mean that literally, guys.
"We are in a situation where the player numbers are a key reason for some of the negative feedback."
The devs showcased a gameplay and cinematic trailer to hype up its release.
The two teams playing made the cast an absolute joke by doing 1v1 fights.
To preserve the IP's first title, the game will reproduce its vision and characters.
The event will run until August 18.
From today's 7.1 live stream, Bioware revealed a lot of information for the upcoming patch.
Make a mess of a monster, then go find and capture other monsters.
The raid is capable of holding up to 200 players.