Celebrating new content has turned into "how much will Blizzard clean out my wallet?"
Celebrating new content has turned into "how much will Blizzard clean out my wallet?"
One last playtest before its official October release.
Furnishing your home to your liking never felt so complicated.
Request access for the Dysterra playtest on Steam.
The first of many videos for the upcoming espionage title.
Taking modern warfare a step further.
Fit for newcomers and veterans looking to beef up their character and resources.
What could it be? More keys or something more?
A mix between Hotline Miami and something a bit more sinister.
PC security is taking quite the tumble.
It seems a failure in communication led to a pretty unsatisfying league launch.
The NA server got first dibs, but EU got the short stick.
Specs aside, the game actually looks really good in the environment sections.
Housing will see some big improvements soon.