World of Warplanes Exclusive Interview
After conquering the ground with World of Tanks, is aiming to the skies. World of Warplanes is the new game in the trilogy and one that will certainly please action fans, although with some tactical elements added to the gameplay. We went to discover more about it.
MMOBomb: Can you introduce yourself and your role in World of Warplanes?
Hello! My name is Anton Sitnikau. I’m World of Warplanes Producer and I'll be glad to answer any questions you have.
MMOBomb: World of Tanks slow pace required a lot of teamwork and strategy. With the faster pace of World of Warplanes what can we expect? Are you going to please both players looking for an action shooter and those who want some tactical depth to combat?
We believe World of Warplanes would deliver a rewarding experience both for those that want more from their shooters and those bored with scripted tactical combat.
Its dynamic environment will require beyond average situation assessment skills, nice positioning, timely action, and well-tuned teamplay. You will be constantly on the move and adjusting your tactics, while we’ll ensure there are enough enemy forces at play to always keep you on your toes and never guarantee an easy win, no matter how much you plan in advance.
At the same time, comprehensive detecting system, plentiful upgrade and customization options will give you several important parameters to consider when building up their fighting tactics: the position of the sun, the viewpoint on the enemy, clouds, folds in the terrain, crew skills, canopy type, etc. You will get a chance to stall out, attack from the sun, make use of the clouds and terrain to hide from enemies or force them to descend and exhaust their pilots over a complex low level terrain. So World of Warplanes will be the kind of game you really have to play to get to the top.
MMOBomb: Did you manage a perfect balance between all the plane classes? How does a ground-attack plane behaves against fighters?
Delivering a perfect balance is what most MMO developers strive for, yet never manage to reach. Of course, we're constantly balancing the title, and as we’re only in the Global Alpha phase, there is a lot balancing still to do before release. However, we see no point in aiming at an unrealizable ideal. Instead, our major goal is to ensure the core gameplay is fun and easy-to-grasp: that’s why we are focused on providing diverse gameplay and fair combat conditions for all vehicle classes.
For the second part of the question: the duel between a ground-attack plane and a fighter is much like a warlock vs. berserk face-off. If yours is the ground-attack plane, try keeping low to the ground – it will provide you with some help from teammates and friendly AA guns. Attacking the enemy head-on is also a good tactics as it will grant your gunners better target aspect angles. And don’t forget about the tail gunner if you have one!
MMOBomb: How are you handling the targeting? Are there different options to suit new and veteran players alike?
In real life combat, if you steer toward the target but aren‘t precise enough, you will miss. We aren‘t looking for such a complicated gameplay, and allow ourselves a few steps away from realism to stress out the fun. So we’ve already introduced lead-finding assist to help players keep the target ones it‘s been sighted. It does spotting for the guns, they hit the target, and the amount of harm done to enemy‘s aircraft corresponds with your initial precision. However, the assist works only if the gun is directed correctly and the lead is taken relatively precise. Veteran players that look for a hardcore feel will be able to switch off the assist.
MMOBomb: What kind of plane customization options are you offering?
As I quickly mentioned it earlier, World of Warplanes will offer a variety of upgrade and customization options. All machines will have upgradable engines, canopies, and glider components. The game will offer quite a plenty of choices in regard to ammunition, too. It will feature incendiary, high-explosive and armor-piercing shells, as well as shells with combined effects. Plus, players will be able to put together ammo loads and define ammo sequence.
Every vehicle will come with several authentic camouflages. If you are in a Clan, the Clan emblem and your position will be marked on the plane, as well. We’ll implement frags and tail numbers (the color of the number will mark your rating on this or that vehicle). Besides, there’ll be several purely aesthetic elements to color engine, fuselage, tails of wings, and the nose of your machine.
MMOBomb: What kind of bonuses will you be offering paying players and how will it affect gameplay, if at all?
World of Tanks free-to-play model has proven itself flexible and efficient. We are bringing it to World of Warplanes adding only some minor changes. Players won’t have to pay any money to get into the game. You will be able to download it at no cost and play as much as wanted with no subscription charges, while having options for micro-transaction purchases. Real life money will mostly allow for fancy customization features and help save time spent on the research, giving no battle advantage whatsoever. Those who do not have the time but have money can pay for a premium account and boost their leveling. Those that have all the time in the world can get all the same advantage, but it will just take more time to move through the tiers.
Premium ammo won’t come with a “Kill‘em all” button; premium planes will feature some really mind-boggling prototypes, but they won’t be invincible or grant you top ace skills. You should be focused on getting good at the mechanics of the game, pay much more emphasis on mastering your piloting, strategic thinking and teamplay.
MMOBomb: Is there any interaction or shared stats between World of Warplanes and World of Tanks?
The three games (World of Tanks, World of Warplanes and World of Battleships) will be drawn together on several levels. There won’t be shared stats, but a unified user account will let you transfer in-game Gold and Free Experience points between titles. On the Global Map Clans will be able to cooperate and support each other by providing ‘clan consumables’ within battles for a particular province.
We are planning cross title Specials and Contests as well, but it’s too soon to talk about them now.
MMOBomb: How was the reaction to the Dragons trailer? Would you be crazy enough to actually add something of the kind to the game, maybe an Easter Egg or similar?
Oh, it was massive. We got all sorts of reactions, from “You got me Wargaming, you got me” and “I want those to be next!” to less positive and even aggressive commentaries. Prepping the joke was tons of fun, especially compiling the tech tree. And just as much fun (if not more!) we got reading discussions of the Dragon Tree on the World of Warplanes forum.
As for the Easter Eggs, no, we don’t have any of them. Or we do…
MMOBomb: When can we expect the open beta?
We’re in Global Alpha right now, and the Closed Beta is just round the corner. Based on the feedback we get from it, we will determine when we proceed to the Open beta. I’d rather not give specific release dates right now, but I can say it’s going to come this year.
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I can understand gold but...why the free xp? Instead of having a unified advancement pace through the tiers, you'll end up having the same issue that raged through WoT: unskilled players with high tier vehicles.
That caused a lot of grief (still does actually), don't know why they want to carry it on.