LAST CHANCE! Vote Now To Decide The Winners Of The Free-to-Play World Cup!
The real World Cup is in full swing right now, but if you prefer "free" to "footy," we've got a competition that might be right up your alley!
MMOBomb is proud to play host to the Free-to-Play World Cup, which we achieved exclusive hosting rights due to our bid of five cents and 50,000 Points' worth of real-money currency. Our tournament will work just like the real thing, with 32 F2P games squaring off in four-game polls -- a.k.a. "Group Stages," over the next few weeks, with the top two teams in each advancing to the one-on-one "Knockout Stage" of 16 teams.
Our selection committee spent several long days and nights and consumed a lot of coffee -- by which I mean, I came up with it last night and discussed it with the other MMOBomb staffers today while having some coffee -- to come up with our field of 32 games. The top eight games, as determined by their number of Twitter followers, will each be put in their own group, with the other three games in each group determined randomly.
In the Knockout Stage, games will be separated into two groups of eight: the ones that won their groups and the runners-up. The game that won its group with the highest percentage of votes will be matched up against the runner up that had the lowest percentage of votes, the #2 winner will be matched up against the #2 lowest runner-up, and so on. Exceptions will be made if two games from the same group would be matched up against each other. The exact bracket will be set up so that A's winner would face B's in the second round, C vs. D, E vs. F, and G vs. H. The semifinal round will be AB vs. CD and EF vs. GH.
The tournament will take four weeks, with new polls going up every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Bookmark this article and make sure to follow @MMOBomb on Twitter to keep up with the results and cast your votes!
Group A
Voting Closed! View Results
Fortnite - 35%
MapleStory - 15%
Secret World Legends - 17%
Star Trek Online - 33%
Group B
Voting Closed! View Results
Dauntless - 20%
DC Universe Online - 7%
League of Legends - 27%
Path of Exile - 46%
Group C
Voting Closed! View Results
Gwent - 22%
PlanetSide 2 - 29%
Runescape - 24%
Smite - 25%
Group D
Voting Closed! View Results
Paladins - 34%
Star Wars: The Old Republic - 51%
Team Fortress 2 - 9%
War Thunder - 6%
Group E
Voting Closed! View Results
Guild Wars 2 - 30%
Neverwinter - 9%
The Lord of the Rings Online - 6%
Warframe - 55%
Group F
Voting Closed! View Results!
Battlerite - 26%
H1Z1 - 26%
Hearthstone - 30%
Trove - 18%
Group G
Voting Closed! View Results!
Blade & Soul - 38%
Brawlhalla - 16%
Heroes of the Storm - 31%
World of Tanks - 15%
Group H
Voting Closed! View Results!
Dota 2 - 24%
Rift - 43%
TERA - 31%
World of Warships - 2%
Round of 16
Rift - 66%
League of Legends - 34%
View Results!
Blade & Soul - 39%
TERA - 61%
View Results!
Hearthstone - 73%
Star Trek Online - 27%
View Results!
Warframe - 87%
SMITE - 13%
View Results!
Star Wars: The Old Republic - 58%
Battlerite - 42%
View Results!
Planetside 2 - 60%
Paladins - 40%
View Results!
Path of Exile -54%
Guild Wars 2 - 46%
View Results!
Fortnite - 46%
Heroes of the Storm - 54%
View Results!
Round of 8
Voting commences July 16
Warframe - 83%
Hearthstone - 17%
View Results!
Planetside 2 - 42%
Star Wars: The Old Republic - 58%
View Results!
TERA - 73%
Rift - 27%
View Results!
Heroes of the Storm - 28%
Path of Exile - 72%
View Results!
Path of Exile - 46%
Star Wars: The Old Republic - 54%
View Results!
TERA - 17%
Warframe - 83%
View Results!
Star Wars: The Old Republic
Vote Now!
Polls will open around 3:00 p.m. Eastern and remain open for two days, except for the finals, which will run all weekend long, until 3:00 p.m. on July 23.
Enjoy the tournament and spread the word to help your game come out on top!
About the Author

Jason Winter is a veteran gaming journalist, he brings a wide range of experience to MMOBomb, including two years with Beckett Media where he served as the editor of the leading gaming magazine Massive Online Gamer. He has also written professionally for several gaming websites.
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He “would always trust parents to make their own decisions”.

Create your own outfits and save them in a wardrobe.

I can't wait to see what players create with the upcoming tools.

Plus, disco bunny.
Group F
Voting Closed! View Results!
Battlerite – 26%
H1Z1 – 26%
Hearthstone – 30%
Trove – 18%