Vote For Your Favorite Games in the Ultimate F2P Showdown!
It's time to fill out your bracket – no, not for basketball, for video games! And with this one, you'll get to pick the winners!
We've selected and seeded 64 of the top free-to-play games in existence and need you to let us know which is the best. Several times a week, we'll open up voting for a bloc of match-ups, leaving it up to you, the community to determine who moves on to glory and who is relegated to the digital scrap heap.
The games in our brackets were selected and seeded based on their relative popularity and activity level. We intentionally left off games that have shut down or that have seen minimal support by the developers recently (like Tribes: Ascend) or are in the process of shutting down (Free Realms was on the list when we conceived of it in mid-January – oops) and while we do have a few games on the list that are technically in beta (like SMITE and Hearthstone), we aren't including games that aren't widely available for free yet (sorry EverQuest Next Landmark – maybe next year!).
And if you don't like where your game is seeded? Vote for it! It's not where you start, but where you finish that matters. I think John Wooden said that...
The Final Confrontation: SMITE vs. Warframe
(voting ends Monday, April 7 at 1 p.m. PDT)
About the Author

Michael Dunaway has been part of the MMOBomb team for years and has covered practically every major Free-to-Play MMO title since 2009.
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Yeah...I bet there's other reasons, too.

The girls of St. Gloriana Girls’ College join the fight.

And the devs have temporarily disabled Combat Blink, just for a little test.

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would who win vs Death Wizard with Shadow Magic vs Vampire vs Witchdoctor vs Blissful Valley
least pirate101 & wizard101 catch up level better runes of magic (quit from runes of magic because they stealer) star wars was boring to much option! wizard101 & pirate101 more better because better tutorial!
- the-counter or prescription medications or dietary supplements with these drugs.
There is a cell salt, Calc Fluor 6x, that is used to strengthen connective tissue.
I started taking Prevacid 24 hr the same way as I took the Prilosec
OTC with a glass of water in the morning.
make bet make better then MMOBOOM!
people like these stupid game (just stupid fighting game) no talent (bet wizard class & pirate beat class of these others game are Hypocrites and other shits!
2nd: Minecraft
4th Super Hexagon
5th Ace Of Spades
6th Terraria
Check the Twitter MMOBomb page concerning SMITE vs. Warframe. It shows the amount of votes and the percentage for each side.
SMITE is winning at the moment.
But what if not? Of the folks that voted against Mabinogi rather than for Warframe there are basically two groups:
- The ones who hate Mabinogi and voted for Warframe because of it. But will they still come out and support them against SMITE? Well maybe we'll have to see.
- The other group would be SMITE fans and Path of Exile fans who voted for Warframe because they'd rather have to face Warframe than Mabinogi.
Now if Warframe beat Mabinogi because of SMITE voting for them and then now ends up losing to SMITE. Then SMITE definitely deserves to win this contest. Because although that would've been a sneaky thing to do, it was in fact totally legal and so I'd say "Well Played!"
How you have been reacting to this tournament is just shamefull and you should just be ashamed of yourself.
Graphics in general don't matter aslong as you can enjoy the game. If you push away a game for graphics, you're being a gamer for the wrong reasons. If your game developers would read this, they would really hit them selves in the face for how you guys are reacting to this.
You can argue that some games were being bribed, they weren't. They were more celebrations for getting this far. If the players of some games were actually being bribed, the rewards would be more insane. For example really expensive stuff that is rare. A event being held is not a bribe. Learn the difference between being bribed and celebrating stuff.
Personally, I write game off due their communities and this is clearly a case for me that I would not be part of a community like that. The same for some other games that have been in this contest. I regret showing supporting some of the games in the previous rounds because I know that some of my friends play these games. But damn.. Do I regret voting for some of those games. If I knew that the community was like this behind some of the games here.
May the best F2P win.
Inb4 hi rez drops this IP like tribes.
Fuxk you! Devcat!
If u guys want to chill add me on mabi
IGN mabigaurdian
Server Mari
Good luck 2 both games
Mabi's weird wiki remembering braniact out
Mabinogi vs Warframe has almost 80000 votes and are near the 50% line each.
by my math whichever loses in the Mabinogi vs warframe poll already has more votes than the Smite vs Path of Exile poll combine and thus is more deserving of second place.
well that’s just my opinion anyway.
I do hope however, that MMOBomb is checking out voting per domain as well (not just proxy domains but plain old service providers) and comparing that with how those domains voted in previous polls and seeing if there are any notable increases from the domain as an entirety. Because you don't need to grab unique I.P's from proxy sites you can just keep resetting your dynamic I.P. and use your own service providers domain.
Mabinogi vs Warframe has almost 80000 votes and are near the 50% line each.
by my math whichever loses in the Mabinogi vs warframe poll already has more than the Smite vs Path of Exile poll combine and thus is more deserving of second place.
well that's just my opinion anyway.
AirMech. I mean, really, James? Accusing Mabinogi of cheating and unfair play, then encouraging EXACTLY THAT out of spite? I believed in you guys. I got into AirMech when it was still in alpha. I put money into AirMech because I liked what Carbon was doing and I loved Herzog Zwei. But s is just sad.
Let the communities be the ones to make asses of themselves. DON'T BE THE ASS.
Secondly, we have a big update coming out some time soon that Digital Extremes has been working on for over a month. Right Around the Corner is now their trademark i think. :|-
Lastly, I can't say i would vote for ANY game that bribes its players. especially when Nexon America shut down DFO those years ago, which was the ONLY game they had that I enjoyed playing. and no, I'm not going to complaing about botters. it's useless drama, and such effort in complaining about botters can be spent better elsewhere.
Lastly, to be fair, i tried out Mabinogi, and my computers did not like it very much. when i DID get it working, i just couldn't get myself into it. Warframe took me some time to get used to as well, and i personally enjoy how Digital Extremes respects their game and their community.
I do however wonder if the Lotus has seen this yet. :|-
Bribing the player base of FIVE games against one is probably gonna get them disquallified, even if DE releases some tasty loot for us if we win its still FIVE games versus 1
In one of the other contests there was a fan (just a guy) who offered prizes from his own personal in-game virtual property if folks would vote for his game. Frankly, that was awesome. Seriously that is an uber-fan.
Several Mabi players themselves are ashamed of what Nexon is doing, so it isn't just some biased opinion. It really does look pathetic, and it reflects on them.
Personally, this just solidifies that I am NEVER going back to any of my Nexon accounts. Good god, talk about putting a bitter taste in your mouth.
Congrats on the over-exposure. Cover up a little. ;)
It seems pretty obvious that there is a bot voting for Mabinogi. What isn't obvious is the motive of the botter.
Mabinogi is the only one of their games that made it THIS far. Its logical that Nexon is trying to get support from the others as we all will be winners. Not just Mabinogi. Other games have been bribing as well and gathering support from other sources.
Digital Extremes' mistake is not advertising. Instead of posting the Grate Prime for an April Fool's joke, they should've posted about this contest on the front page.
i'm a mabi player and i'm ashamed
The Tenno army must show its strength to defeat Mabinogi.
Have to say this battle is intense. Nearly 30k votes so far and it is not even half way done. Shout out to both games' respective communities for showing their support.
Mabinogi vs Warframe 16000 votes
clearly Mabinogi or Warframe is going to beat this competition
may Mabinogi be the victor!!!! (we deserve it most)
and also...the mabinogi community is made of veterans and players of over the all damn world, so they rule with majority of honest votes.
Definetely one of the best F2P's in the world
Keep in mind this is from a fp2 aspect, meaning that some of these cons are generally good, but not for what this showdown is for:
Mabinogi is a fantasy-life game where you roll a character that partakes in Generations/Sagas. There are currently 17generations and a few installments of Sagas. Or in other terms lengthy storylines. The storyline is fantastic considering that this is a f2p showdown.
There are 3-races; Human, Elf, and Giant.
- Humans are the jack-of-all trades. They are average/above-average at everything but - No, this will be explained further.
+ Has two transformation paths
+ Has access to most core weapons in-game
+ Has access to most of the top-tier skills
+ In general trump Elves in archery
= Depending on what skills you work on you will need to rely on mass reforges in order to be accepted to do anything later on
- Slow movement speed
- Elves are the magic/ranged-specialized race. They're supposed to be the go-to card for magic and archery, however Elves get very little benefits.
+ Fastest movement speed of available races
+ Shoots two arrows
- Archery requires dexterity, elves are penalized heavily when dealing with passives like Heavy Armor mastery & Light Armor Mastery
- Weaker, squishier in general
- Required more SP to rank skills in general
- Compared to the other two, no real benefits for ranking skills out of the threshold for elves
- No real benefits and reasons to main
- Reforges are absolutely required if you don't want to be ridiculed and kicked from every mission that's worth running.
- Giants are the steady walls. Their defense is unmatched and their DPS is arguably the best. By far the most promising race to maintain and play as if you're looking for strict DPS for little risk.
+ Giants have access to the most STR given skills in-game
+ Giants(and humans) aren't exactly penalized severely with Heavy Armor Mastery as apposed to Elves
+ Giants have a skill that literally hooks them down, decreasing damage by vast amounts
+ Reforges are completely optional, but they do tend to scale way higher
= Balanced movement speed between the three races
- No access to ranged skills other than the outdated and forgotten Throwing Attack
Reforges are the staple of the game's damage once your skills reach their limit. Be prepared to spend insane amounts of money or be prepared to bot/abuse events to the extreme in order to afford buying them off players.
Rebirthing is a unique aspect of Mabinogi. When you rebirth your level and exploration level, along with the stats you've gained will reset. However you'll keep the Ability Points you've earned in that previous rebirth and all the stats you've obtained from ranking skills.
* The limit to rebirthing is once per week, technically 6days-6days 1hour ($7.90 cash, $9.80 event)
* The limit to rebirthing is once per 3 weeks(free)
Needless to say if you spend cash then you are going to get the major step ahead as apposed to free rebirthing. Currently Mabinogi Korea has free rebirthing weekly, but another foreign Mabinogi server is forced to wait 3weeks(?) Mabinogi North America is still unconfirmed for which Rebirth update we'll be receiving.
- Gachapons are extremely outdated and offer possibly the biggest scams of all.
I understand. You risk, you fail, suck it up. However, if you pay $1.50 wouldn't you expect something more than 3-5 measly potions that aren't even specialized to heal more than 2% of your health mid-game?
Feel free to take a look into the abyss of horribly rigged gachapon in this thread:!%26nxid%3D10
Read the comments, read what the community has to say. People spend more money on these gachapons compared to Guild Wars 2 and get absolutely nothing. Is this F2P enough for you?
Remember this poll doesn't determine what the best game is
it doesn't determine what the largest fan-base is
it doesn't even determine what the best fan base is
it just shows which was able to get the most amount of people to bother to come to this website and click a few buttons.
"Hey - uhm ma'am , Have you voted on MMObomb yet? :)"
People are campaigning like crazy.
And even if they were botting , You don' think mmobomb would find out and fix the results just like this did with RO.
No poll from is valid. Go to the page in incognito mode. Vote. Tap refresh. Vote again. Repeat ad infinitum.
It's funny how once we got to our current percent, we haven't risen since despite how many votes have been cast. kinda suspicious that a crappy looking MMO like Mabinobi would all of a sudden take interest only after PS2 players started voting...
- Community (the hardest part since you can't make the players become positive or not rude)
- Customer Service (for cashers)
- Updates Frequency and Effectivity
- Developers' Enthusiasm (EverQuest NEXT Landmark for an example)
- Content (not too much grinding and monthly events are important)
- Graphic (must sync perfectly with the theme of the game)
(Show your care to your players/ customers or they will stop playing.)
and for Planetside 2 or Smite
i just say i dislike Online FPS Games for few reasons:
1)Hack,Hack and Hack!!! in any online fps games i played is always filled with hackers
2)Pay To Win Weapons from Cash Shop, hate it so much when we(me and the enemy) use the same weapon but his do double of dmg and have double of munitions
3)Bad Community, people that kick "good" players from room and only allow roockies to join the enemy sides, or players that insult/flame each other when they're losing, or just player that leave from the match just because they have 1 noob in team
Also, there is nothing wrong with bribing. For example Mabinogi uses 3x AP as a bribe, the only people who would really care about that is the people who plays Mabinogi. I mean just because they bribed it doesn't mean other games would vote for them too, that reward is for only one game which means only Mabinogi players would want to vote for it. It won't benefit any other games except Mabinogi.
Think of it as a reward for supporting your game.
I also want to say sorry to the community of PlanetSide 2 because I've heard that both sides have been bashing each other, possibly Mabi doing the bashing more so. Not all of us want to be rude, we just want to support our game and it's sad how its gotten out of hand for some. Also, sorry and great job to RO for giving us a fight for our life! I kinda wish we would lose so our forums and game life can calm back down. Good Luck everyone!
very small games and unknown games winning against big ones were the community actual goes for it and votes...look at this Ma... game just >.<
Just checked the vote counter, 600 for Mabinogi in the last 10 mins. Definitely vote-botting
> More than 10,000 votes.
> Smite is cheating
I hope Maplestory wins because smite nothing but a crowd of cheaters and hackers.
I want the final to be either Maplestory vs Airmech | Path of Exile vs Airmech | Planet Slide vs Airmech
Go Airmech!
- Recalls how the votes climbed in that race
- Checks the stats on the MS v SMITE
- sees total votes = 13k
- notes poll opened more than a day ago
- sees the familiar arguments in the thread being repeated
- shakes head in disbelief
- hobbles out the door
That guy
March 23, 2014 at 11:55 am
61% of about 50,000 is over 30,000 votes. Are we expected to believe that RO got over 30,000 votes in two days through legitimate reasons?
This is lame, this is a fallacy. MMOBomb tricked us all, i feel like an idiot seriously.
Please support that twitter hashtag and raise awarness.
This competition is made up. SMITE is cheating and MMOBomb allows it.
So here is hoping that it isn't allowed to continue because it is wrecking a Poll/Battle that a LOT of people are having fun being part of, & as the saying goes 1 bit of bad publicity can cost 1000x more than 100 bits of GOOD or POSITIVE publicity & MMObomb have ALWAYS had a good name & rep within the online gaming communities.
Also even if a game does win this by cheating it isn't going to change the fact that it sucks hard if it does, so it is hard to understand what the point is for cheating as when a game sucks hard everyone knows about it by checking out reviews & not just seeing the results of single Poll.
SMITE community is so annoying, they should get disqualified.
Good luck League <3
maplestory has over 100mil players worldwide.
HERE IS THE PROOF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Someone is voting for SMITE 5 times per second, how is that possible?
fuucck you SMITE
MMOBomb do something!
87k total votes
54k for Ragnarok & 33k for Mabinogi
Both community are cheaters that's all... this sondage is useless and don't represent the real popularity of any game.
Mabinogi 38%
Total votes: 87348
it means 33k votes for Maginogi & 44k votes for Rargnarok... both game cheated not only one
so ridiculous round...
I kid. Don't do it. I'm sure some are going to anyway, but I apologize for them.
Total 87344
RO 53974
Mab 33370
Total Votes—-81002—85250——4248
Mabi %———-39%—–39%—–(-)0%
R.O Votes—–49411—–52003——2591
Mabi Votes—-31591—–33248——-2591
R.O. has gained by the magnitude of the change in difference when it is -ve
Mabi has gained by the magnitude of the change in difference when it is +ve
Use the difference between the time stamp of this post with that of my previous similar
post to approximate the length of the time interval.
Total Votes—-70002—81002——11000
Mabi %———-42%—–39%—–(-)3%
R.O Votes—–40601—–49411——8810
Mabi Votes—-29401—–31591——-2190
R.O. has gained by the magnitude of the change in difference when it is -ve
Mabi has gained by the magnitude of the change in difference when it is +ve
Use the difference between the time stamp of this post with that of my previous similar post to approximate the length of the time interval.
If Mabinogi is botting here they need better bots.
Gotham City Imposters
Total Votes—-60002—70002——10000
Mabi %———-44%—–42%—–(-)2%
R.O Votes—–33601—–40601——7000
Mabi Votes—-26401—–29401——-3000
R.O. has gained by the magnitude of the change in difference when it is -ve
Mabi has gained by the magnitude of the change in difference when it is +ve
Use the difference between the time stamp of this post with that of my previous similar post to approximate the length of the time interval.
Well isn't that curious! So what's going on here?
Possibility 1:
After all previous polls, after all previous days of this poll, after overwhelming cheating one way was exposed, while north america was asleep for the entire time and europe for half of it, and after 10+ hours of no votes coming in, now finally the legions of real fans have decided to start voting and happened to do so during the same time period their bots were most active on previous days, and this is all just a coincidence. That's possibility one.
Possibility 2:
The botters saw Mabinogi was catching up, and turned their bots back on, not realizing they've already been caught.
Possibility 3:
After learning they've been caught, seeing what their bot weakness was, knowing how this is going to be handled, and 10+ hours to work on it they've figured out how to make their bots truly pick (from domains that aren't known for providing proxy IP addresses) a unique IP address each time rather than just a different potentially non-unique IP address, and have started them chugging along, and are hoping to hide behind some kind of burden-of-proof requirement.
I can't say which is most likely, but I'm pretty sure which is least likely. Let's see how this is handled later today.
I heard that it has "Advanced" anti cheats.
All this botting to beat a No name game?
ragnarok 35530 57.0%
mabinogi 26775 43.0%
Votes Total: 62305
Total Votes—-55000—60002——5002
Mabi %———-40%—–44%—–(+)4%
R.O Votes—–33000—–33601——601
Mabi Votes—-22000—–26401——-4401
R.O. has gained by the magnetude of the change in difference when it is -ve
Mabi has gained by the magnetude of the change in difference when it is +ve
Use the difference between the time stamp of this post with that of my previous similar post to approximate the length of the time interval.
If this is saying Mabinogi is using bot then like the R.O. bot it will be filtered out. If this is not because of a bot, then this bodes well for Mabinogi winning this.
serious guys thanks for Drama i serious enjoed it until the end
btw i don't even care about the bonus we will receive (if we win) cause i can't even rebirth the next week for getting full profit from that bonus unless you willing to PAY REAL MONEY
the only reason i was voting for Mabinogi was to give it some advertise to make it more know to gamers because despite this suck good game existed for so long time is unknow to everyone because is fall under the Nexon publisher yea, alots of people hate Nexon so they don't try their games - _-
and another thing,
just because some kiddies are butthurt because their games is losing and started using Bots, doesn't mean the WHOLE COMMUNITY use bots , this apply both to Mabinogi and R.O.
so stop making statment like Mabinogi and R.O. are cheaters when only 3-10 players from both side are doing it out of thousand players
Want proof? Here.
It's so obvious yet MMObomb is ignoring all this. Let's just say, MMObomb is playing favourites.
So get on my level!!!!
And when players sleep, they watching. And now, they are wake up to support RO.
Many ragnarok online administrators from different servers helping to Ragnarok Online, many players helping by voting, the entire community rallied to help in difficult times
25000 total votes
With monitored poll:
55000 total votes
Does anyone else see what's wrong with this?
Total Votes—-53300—55000——1700
Mabi %———-39%—–40%—–(+)1%
R.O Votes—–32513—–33000——487
Mabi Votes—-20787—–22000——-1213
R.O. has gained by the magnetude of the change in difference when it is -ve
Mabi has gained by the magnetude of the change in difference when it is +ve
Use the difference between the time stamp of this post with that of my previous similar post to approximate the length of the time interval.
$('#ro2').html((Math.round(a / c * 100000) / 1000).toFixed(3) + '%');
$('#ma2').html((Math.round(b / c * 100000) / 1000).toFixed(3) + '%');
RO be cheating....
Please MMOBOMB they need to be disqualified
I don't play Mabinogi but that amount of votes for a game, that no longer people actually play is pathetic...
Their getting more votes than LoL....
Disqualified... in my opinoin
is going to eternal vote? :P
and for RO players, what was in ur mind when u read "Ragnarok Online" is there?
for me, even there is RO2 LoTS or GoTW, the image that crossed in my mind was RO. :P
ragnarok 32730 60.5%
mabinogi 21350 39.5%
Votes Total: 54080
The first possibility is that they say "We cannot detect any signs of cheating in the logs" and go with the displayed poll winner. Mabinogi fans will protest but then if the cheaters covered their tracks well enough what can you do?
If they detect cheating they can remove the duplicate votes. But now:
if the mabinogi wins RO fans will protest but they could be answered with things like mabinogi was always leading in both polls before botting was noticed and so on.
if RO wins Mabingoi fans will protest saying the botter discouraged them until their legitimate votes made up the difference, and RO fans would answer by saying prove it.
You could disqualify both games. But if the botter was a fan of PS2 and wanted both kicked out then that wouldn't be fair. Also it would encourage bot hackers/griefers to wreck all the remaining contests similarly.
They are unlikely to make a third poll because the cheating can start all over again.
What they SHOULD do is suspend the entire competition citing they need to correct the polling software. Fix the polling software and start the entire contest over again from the very beginning.
They could fix the software by doing the following:
1 make the radio buttons display in random order rather than a fixed order.
2 require an email verification before voting and limit votes with one per email addy.
3 put in a CAPCHA like anti-bot system
4 put in a forced time delay between selecting the radio button and when the vote button becomes available.
I'm sure some clever hacker could probably get around all of these but the ping rate for the bot would be quite low unless they have a room full of computers to use.
I just want this poll to end now.
Total Votes—-50000—53300——3300
Mabi %———-41%—–39%—–(-)2%
R.O Votes—–29500—–32513——3013
Mabi Votes—-20500—–20787——-287
R.O. has gained by the magnetude of the change in difference when it is -ve
Mabi has gained by the magnetude of the change in difference when it is +ve
Use the difference between the time stamp of this post with that of my previous similar post to approximate the length of the time interval.
It would seem RO got more than 90% of the votes that interval
As an asside . . .
A lot has been said about how these two games beating each other up is ultimately hurting both of them. I think it's quite the opposite. Someone famous once said, "There is no good publicity or bad publicity there's just publicity". Right now everyone visiting this website is quite aware of both games and it would not surprise me one bit if during this whole time Nexon and Gravity have had a spike in new account creation.
mabinogi what was that?is that a game?WHAHAHA
mabinogi fans whining lol are you stupid trying to complain the popularity of a Game that come to a state of being a LEGEND!
I find that the fact that the bot keeps brazenly chugging along curious. It means one of the following:
1 it is undetectable and so they are confident and see no reason to stop it.
2 it is totally detectable and they want to be caught because the folks running it are not RO fans.
3 it is totally detectable but they are gambling that MMOBomb won't detect it.
4 it is totally detectable but the folks running it are stupid.
If you look at RO vs DotA 2, i don't think RO can beat DotA 2 at the moment as DotA 2 has players from all other games such as CS and even RO players move towards DotA at some point. DotA's community is almost same in numbers if compared with RO(with whole world & inactives) or bigger than any other game in Rogue Division.
So, without informing every game community, you cant conduct such events cause they will fail for sure if you do that. On top of that, its failed so bad at organizing.
How bad do u want that 3x AP? its clearly that NEXON is ripping our wallets off every single day! Non stop useless event, non stop gachapons, poor quest items or should i say NOTHING at all. The story is good and the game system is awesome but the company sucks! Im a RO1 veteran, those old days playing in RO made me stay for 8 effing years. At Mabinogi, 2 years of disapointment although its addicting.
For starters. I know darn well Ragnarok does not have even HALF some 32,000 ACTIVE players, let alone randoms supporting it because they can.
I also know that Mabinogi doesn't have 20,000 (BOTH NUMBERS ROUNDED MIGHT I ADD) players. Now I play mabinogi. There might be close to 10k, maybe over the top with randoms supporting it but I doubt 20k people have even played Nexon NA's Mabinogi. Now this would be a totally different story if Nexon players across the board were supporting Mabinogi, but I doubt that's the case.
Y'all need to stop your damn cheating, and let the more supported game win. End of story. I know that may be a hard concept for some of you to handle but think about the bad name the game is going to get for the community. I'd rather not have that when people start talking about promoting the game. I'm not sure how you think this works either but, more people = more content because of more income to the company. Winning a tournament like this would mean that the name of the game would be spread around where ever the hell others can see that it's won, which in turn means MORE PLAYERS. Which again means etc. etc. That is the way this works, and that is why a(Mostly(I say mostly because I KNOW there will be some jerk offs who can't stop either trying to ruin things for others or get rid of the illegitimate stride bug)) legitimate game vote is important to any gaming company. If that makes sense.
Sorry if my grammar is off by the way.
I play Mabinogi by the way. I believe it to be one of the only TRUE RPGs out there to this date(Feel free to introduce me to more if you can.) It has a lot of potential but is still good where it is. Nexon is becoming a bit better at working with the game but I'll put that in a seprate review or some crap. I've been playing that game for a looonnnggg time. I've played Ragnarok too, not really my cup of coffee to be honest, still probably a good game but from what I've heard and read, it's mostly decayed.
Anywho, sorry for the side convo. For you TL;DR noobs, STOP TRYING TO CHEAT PLAY THE VOTE FAIR. Dang. Your game will get a worse rep for trying to cheat in the vote rather than it losing fair and square. Keep this up and both games will get disqualified and probably won't be recommended to anyone because of a stupid community ruined by a few bad eggs.
Total Votes—-43042—50000——1042
Mabi %———-42%—–41%—–(-)1%
R.O Votes—–24964—–29500——4536
Mabi Votes—-18078—–20500——-2422
R.O. has gained by the magnetude of the change in difference when it is -ve
Mabi has gained by the magnetude of the change in difference when it is +ve
Use the difference between the time stamp of this post with that of my previous similar post to approximate the length of the time interval.
ragnarok 29721 59.4%
mabinogi 20279 40.6%
Votes Total: 50000
Disqualify both games. Problem solved.
If it can cover it's tracks then all subsequent polls in this entire contest will explode, because everyone will want to get stealthy bots and will use them.
If there is botting going I suspect its only 1 computer doing so.
No one should get D/Q'ed becasue the motives of the botters cannot be known.
Assuming there is a bot voting for R.O it could mean:
1 an RO is try make his game win
2 a mabinogi fan is trying to discredit RO
3 a PS2 fan is trying to get both kicked out
if you kick out mabinogi and RO you also must kick out PS2 and this entire division.
But if there has to be a victor between the two, I support one of the above suggestions of re-doing the whole poll, but add Capchas or other means to prevent bots.
Based off the numbers, saying mabinogi is botting hardcore is laughable. There are probably a few on our side, but in all honesty, our numbers have been mostly consistent each round. RO, on the other hand. Gaining 15k+ votes overnight... lol....
Let us note how the other polls barely break 10k.
And as others said, the Mabinogi community is telling the other players not to bot because it is shamefull to do this. Either reset the poll or disqualify both because this is getting out of hand and becoming really childish. Comon.. Botting? Really now?
Total Votes—-42000—43042——1042
Mabi %———-42%—–42%—–(-)0%
R.O Votes—–24360—–24964——604
Mabi Votes—-17640—–18078——-438
R.O. has gained by the magnetude of the change in difference when it is -ve
Mabi has gained by the magnetude of the change in difference when it is +ve
Use the difference between the time stamp of this post with that of my previous similar post to approximate the length of the time interval.
Well it seems they are comfortable enough with their lead to shut off the bot, either that or there mom needs to use the computer right now
Seriously though, why are people still botting after the poll was already restarted in an attempt for a fair vote? I hope MMOBomb is monitoring it as they said and I hope they have a way to just get rid of the extra votes from the particular IP addresses that are botting. I really hope that it doesn't come down to both games being DQ'd over a few people not being willing to give up botting the numbers up.
Also... competition is nice but it really sucks that there's so much bashing going on. Granted it is good that the word got out about the botting to try to make this more fair, bashing each other's games just reflects poorly on the community that you represent. I play Mabi and it has awesome parts and not-so-awesome parts to it but it's still really fun. I haven't played RO before but I am sure it also has awesome and not-so-awesome parts to it.
Seriously, it doesn't help to win this contest if you make gamers from other communities who may have otherwise tried the game hate you for it. Sure we get a mini event reward for winning a round but the bigger reward was always to get the word out that there's a great game for people to try.
tldr: I wish the botting and bashing would stop cause I don't want the game I like to be represented by such people. I hope that MMOBomb can just delete out the votes that are being botted so those of us that wanted a fair match aren't disappointed by a double DQ or something like that.
20% of all votes came from from the Americas.
20% of all votes came form Europe
20% of all votes came from Asia
40% of all votes came from one particular service provider from one particular small country.
1. Show total vote Percentages by COUNTRY (So R.O Kiddies can't hide behind their "our other branches are helping us" excuse.
2. An actual IP block that filters already voted IPs. (might as well block proxy server IPs as well.)
3. Actually use money to Pay for a Moderated Poll, seems they wen't the cheap route.
4. apply the 3 strike you're out rule.
If by the 3rd poll, both games are cheating. DQ BOTH OF THEM!
Total Votes—-40094—40094——1906
Mabi %———-43%—–42%—–(-)1%
R.O Votes—–22854—–24360——1506
Mabi Votes—-17240—–17640——-400
R.O. has gained by the magnetude of the change in difference when it is -ve
Mabi has gained by the magnetude of the change in difference when it is +ve
Use the difference between the time stamp of this post with that of my previous similar post to approximate the length of the time interval.
I think they've added another computer to their cause.
It's not even a showdown, it's one massive attempt at a publicity stunt and seeing who can bribe, cheat, and bot their way to the top without getting away with it. It's actually been proven that Ragnarok Online has been using dynamic IPs, proxies, and even bribing communities like Reddit and such to vote for them. Many other participants are also guilty of this. And what does MMObomb do? Praise them for "community effort" and just blow off anyone who dare point out the truth, of course! All winning means is that your community is the shittiest and dirtiest. The saddest part is that MMObomb doesn't even care as long as there's no multiple entries from the same IP, they act like proxies and dynamic IP addresses don't even exist.
The MMOs aren't even being judged on their content, graphics, gameplay, ect. just as every "lets see which MMO is the best" contest does. Otherwise Pirates101 and Wizards101 would be excluded right off the bat for being pay-to-proceed. This polling contest as a whole is a sham and MMObomb as an entire website is a complete and utter joke. There's a reason why people go to other websites for MMO information, it's because MMObomb is so sketchy, disrespectful, biased, ect.
Total Votes—-35001—40094——5093
Mabi %———-45%—–43%—–(-)2%
R.O Votes—–19251—–22854——3603
Mabi Votes—-15751—–17240——-1490
R.O. has gained by the magnetude of the change in difference when it is -ve
Mabi has gained by the magnetude of the change in difference when it is +ve
Use the difference between the time stamp of this post with that of my previous similar post to approximate the length of the time interval.
Well seems efforts have increased.
Honestly, with that in mind, I don't know how anyone from either game can be happy if they win through botting and cheating. Winning through hard work is rewarding. Winning through various unfair tactics would really sour the victory. Certainly I'd feel bad about myself if I knew I'd done that; I suppose it depends on your moral compass.
RO community is one of the biggest in the world.
Mabinogi have ip block some countrys
But at this point everyone has to wait. I assume employees of MMOBomb are like any other company and that they get the weekend off. They'll come in to work Monday and then we'll see what happens.
If there was botting and if it was detectable then the best thing for them to do is to throw out the extra votes and announce the legitimate totals. If it was not detectable well then really what can anyone do?
I voted For Mabi. Yes, I did get swayed by the 3x AP event in the case we won. However, I've been playing for years, and I've long since come the the conclusion that it's the people who make the game (especially in Mabinogi's case) enjoyable. Either way, we will live. I'd love to see a week long DR, but if it doesn't happen, oh well; I like the people I play with. If you hate the other team because they are "cheaters", guess what! THEY ARE ON A DIFFERENT F@#$%^& GAME.
F2P P2W, it's how all games are nowadays. Games don't run on nothing, corporations need to make money somehow. I'm just under the mindset, if you want to support the game, do something other than complain about the ones who pay to get the extras. It's a FREE game. if you want to get a head, then pull your weight. Don't gripe and complain about unfairness. I work for my money, and I'd like to see it getting put to use.
Show how much of a **** community APB has.
And yes, I've played APB since RTW.
371 vote in 17 minute (153-238) <--- this should be 153-218
198 vote in 7 minute (128-70)
569 vote in 24 minutes (281-308) <-- 281-288
201 vote in 6 minute (123-78)
770 vote in 30 minute (404-386) <--- 404-366
Updated @ Sun Mar 23 02:22:00 UTC+0700 2014
ragnarok 19220 55.2%
mabinogi 15612 44.8%
Votes Total: 34832
20 minute 673 vote (429-244)
50 minute 1443 vote (833-610)
Updated @ Sun Mar 23 02:32:00 UTC+0700 2014
ragnarok 19509 55.4%
mabinogi 15707 44.6%
Votes Total: 35216
10 minute 384 vote (289-95)
1 hour vote 1827 vote (1122-705)
Total Votes—-30002—35001——4999
Mabi %———-45%—–45%—–(+)0%
R.O Votes—–16501—–19251——2749
Mabi Votes—-13501—–15751——-2250
R.O. has gained by the magnetude of the change in difference when it is -ve
Mabi has gained by the magnetude of the change in difference when it is +ve
Use the difference between the time stamp of this post with that of my previous similar post to approximate the length of the time interval.
Although the percentages remain the same this does not mean both are keeping pace with each other. The front runner in this case will always be pulling away even though the percentages remain the same.
Assuming both sides are using bots now and that one is clearly doing a better job at it, has anyone considered that maybe these botters aren't fans of either game and just want to get both d/q'ed to make the next round a bye for whoever either would face?
Updated @ Sun Mar 23 01:32:00 UTC+0700 2014
ragnarok 18387 55.1%
mabinogi 15002 44.9%
Votes Total: 33389
Updated @ Sun Mar 23 01:34:00 UTC+0700 2014
ragnarok 18412 55.1%
mabinogi 15023 44.9%
Votes Total: 33435
46 vote in 2 minute (25-21)
Updated @ Sun Mar 23 01:39:00 UTC+0700 2014
ragnarok 18459 55.0%
mabinogi 15077 45.0%
Votes Total: 33536
101 vote in 5 minute (47-54)
147 vote in 7 minute (62-85)
Updated @ Sun Mar 23 01:43:00 UTC+0700 2014
ragnarok 18494 55.0%
mabinogi 15139 45.0%
Votes Total: 33633
97 vote in 4 minute (35-62)
244 vote in 11 minute (107-137)
Updated @ Sun Mar 23 01:49:00 UTC+0700 2014
ragnarok 18540 54.9%
mabinogi 15220 45.1%
Votes Total: 33760
127 vote in 6 minute (46-81)
371 vote in 17 minute (153-238)
Updated @ Sun Mar 23 01:56:03 UTC+0700 2014
ragnarok 18668 55.0%
mabinogi 15290 45.0%
Votes Total: 33958
198 vote in 7 minute (128-70)
569 vote in 24 minutes (281-308)
Updated @ Sun Mar 23 02:02:00 UTC+0700 2014
ragnarok 18791 55.0%
mabinogi 15368 45.0%
Votes Total: 34159
201 vote in 6 minute (123-78)
770 vote in 30 minute (404-386)
This poll is BS , both are suspicious
- RO got sudden big jump
- Mabi vote rise at same interval in 30 minute
Since RO was the aggressor first it would be fair to DQ them.
Well the first thing to consider is:
If there is a bot being used can it be shown? If the bot is capable of using a unique I.P. on every attempt then that’s that and nothing can be done, they can say “We found no evidence of cheating”.
But what if it can be shown then what?
Some have suggested both games be d/qed. When you consider that out of the 10k+ unique people who have voted with perhaps only one truely cheating. Then that means one side has been completely honest and the other side has been almost completely honest. So double d/q would not be right.
Some might think that since the bot is voting for R.O. then just d/q R.O. This is also wrong. Since the person running the bot might be a Mabinogi fan trying to discredit them.
So the answer is to go through the log, remove the duplicate votes, and recon the winner from that.
I'd love to say Mabinogi is innocent, but I know better. I would honestly just drop this bracket and disqualify both Mabinogi and Ragnarok if I was MMOBomb.
I'm pretty dissapointed by this, especially how it shows that people cant even read. I mean MMO clearly typed out they're monitoring this harder.
/Mabi player
Proof: Refresh the and it gains ~2 votes every 30sec or something. I can't tell since well it'd take a long long time to see which % goes up after that spam voting.
Mabinogi 45%
Total votes: 31959
So how is mabi cheating? Looks like RO is cheating to me
http:// /fXep2AA.png (delete the spaces between http// (imgur) and /fX)
Total Votes—-29000—30002——1002
Mabi %———-45%—–45%—–(+)0%
R.O Votes—–15950—–16501——551
Mabi Votes—-13050—–13501——-451
R.O. has gained by the magnetude of the change in difference when it is -ve
Mabi has gained by the magnetude of the change in difference when it is +ve
Use the difference between the time stamp of this post with that of my previous similar post to approximate the length of the time interval.
Total Votes—-28000—29000——1000
Mabi %———-45%—–45%—–(+)0%
R.O Votes—–15400—–15950——550
Mabi Votes—-12600—–13050——-450
R.O. has gained by the magnetude of the change in difference when it is -ve
Mabi has gained by the magnetude of the change in difference when it is +ve
Use the difference between the time stamp of this post with that of my previous similar post to approximate the length of the time interval.
This shows why reading percentages alone is not good enough. The percentages remained unchanged but as you can see the front-runner still gains in that situation.
But the truth is, no one cares about this website, so the polls can never be accurate, it's simply impossible.
The Ragnarok Online fan base is for sure NOT aware about this poll, otherwise there would have been over 1million votes just for Ragnarok Online itself.
So no matter how "big" your Mabinogi fan base might be.
Ragnarok Online is still way to much played in the Asia area, especially Philippines.
It even has won as Nr.1 in the Most Popular Game in Philippines in 2011.
And that's just them, Ragnarok Online has still tons of active players all over the world.
Ragnarok The Animation was even broadcasted on TV, which based on the Ragnarok Online MMORPG.
And even if Ragnarok is not that much played anymore like in the past, old players would still vote for it, if they were aware about this poll.
Mabinogi is in NO comparsion to Ragnarok Online, and will never be.
Truth signed out...
March 21, 2014 at 9:53 pm
Total Votes—-7001—–8001
Mabi %———-76%—–73%
R.O Votes—–1680—–2160
Mabi Votes—-5321—–5841
Difference——3641—–3680 +39
March 21, 2014 at 10:08 pm
Total Votes—-8001—9002
Mabi %———-73%—–69%
R.O Votes—–2160—–2791
Mabi Votes—-5841—–6211
Difference——3680—–3421 -260
March 21, 2014 at 10:40 pm
Total Votes—-9002—10001——999
Mabi %———-69%—–66%—–(-)3%
R.O Votes—–2791—–3400——610
Mabi Votes—-6211—–6601——-389
March 21, 2014 at 11:22 pm
Total Votes—-10001—11000——999
Mabi %———-66%—–64%—–(-)2%
R.O Votes—–3400—–3960——560
Mabi Votes—-6601—–7040——-439
March 22, 2014 at 12:28 am
Total Votes—-11000—12000——1000
Mabi %———-64%—–63%—–(-)1%
R.O Votes—–3960—–4440——480
Mabi Votes—-7040—–7560——-520
March 22, 2014 at 1:34 am
Total Votes—-12000—13000——1000
Mabi %———-63%—–62%—–(-)1%
R.O Votes—–4440—–4940——500
Mabi Votes—-7560—–8060——-500
March 22, 2014 at 7:43 am
Total Votes—-13000—23000——10000
Mabi %———-62%—–47%—–(-)15%
R.O Votes—–4940—–12190——7250
Mabi Votes—-8060—–10810——-2750
March 22, 2014 at 8:37 am
Total Votes—-23000—25001——2001
Mabi %———-47%—–45%—–(-)2%
R.O Votes—–12190—–13751——1561
Mabi Votes—-10810—–111250——-440
March 22, 2014 at 9:15 am
Total Votes—-25001—26001——1000
Mabi %———-45%—–44%—–(-)1%
R.O Votes—–13751—–14561——810
Mabi Votes—-11250—–11440——-190
the next is show above the time stamps is March 22, 2014 at 11:39 am
Total Votes—-26001—28000——1999
Mabi %———-44%—–44%—–(+)1%
R.O Votes—–14561—–15400——839
Mabi Votes—-11440—–12600——-1160
R.O. has gained by the magnetude of the change in difference when it is -ve
Mabi has gained by the magnetude of the change in difference when it is +ve
Use the difference between the time stamp of this post with that of my previous similar post to approximate the length of the time interval.
Well either. Botboy woke up and said "My work is done . . . for now." Or Mabinogi has answered back with a bot of their own. Considering the size of the numbers obtained over the time period I'd say both sides mostly played fair for that interval.
By the way this thread software should just have page numbers, the transition from newer to older comments was quite awkward and confusing.
If there is a bot being used can it be shown? If the bot is capable of using a unique I.P. on every attempt then that's that and nothing can be done, they can say "We found no evidence of cheating".
But what if it can be shown then what?
Some have suggested both games be d/qed. When you consider that out of the 10k+ unique people who have voted with perhaps only one truely cheating. Then that means one side has been completely honest and the other side has been almost completely honest. So double d/q would not be right.
Some might think that since the bot is voting for R.O. then just d/q R.O. This is also wrong. Since the person running the bot might be a Mabinogi fan trying to discredit them.
So the answer is to go through the log, remove the duplicate votes, and recon the winner from that.
what happens if 1 or both are cheating nonstop? what will this mmobomb do to make it fair?
People these days...
What this will come down to, I suspect, is how good the script kiddie running the bot for R.O. is. If he was able to mask his I.P. correctly he’ll carry the day. If not then the R.O. community will crucify him.
"We’ll be carefully monitoring the IP traffic on this one, as well as the above two polls".
Why didn't they just simply check the log from the previous poll and parse out the repeats?
I bet it's because they weren't logging it; there are NO logs of the previous polls. If this is the case, then that would indicate just how professional they are, wouldn't it?
things can't be achieve by cheating
Total Votes—-25001—26001——1000
Mabi %———-45%—–44%—–(-)1%
R.O Votes—–13751—–14561——810
Mabi Votes—-11250—–11440——-190
R.O. has gained by the magnetude of the change in difference when it is -ve
Mabi has gained by the magnetude of the change in difference when it is +ve
Use the difference between the time stamp of this post with that of my previous similar post to approximate the length of the time interval.
I'd say Botboy is still in bed. : )
I would think that these polls create their own logs on their servers indicating vote, time, and I.P. address of voter. It would be a simple matter to have software parse the log to remove the dishonest votes. In fact they could've done it for the previous poll attempt.
I bet they can't :P
it's better doing something else rather I seeing those thingy
Total Votes—-23000—25001——2001
Mabi %———-47%—–45%—–(-)2%
R.O Votes—–12190—–13751——1561
Mabi Votes—-10810—–111250——-440
R.O. has gained by the magnetude of the change in difference when it is -ve
Mabi has gained by the magnetude of the change in difference when it is +ve
Use the difference between the time stamp of this post with that of my previous similar post to approximate the length of the time interval.
If I were to bet on what's going on I'd say this. Everyone is voting honestly except that there is one single person running a bot which is voting for R.O. They started the bot went to bed and have not yet got up.
it just a game okay? every game has its own pros and cons
btw hope RO will win but I don't expect wining from cheating
Total Votes—-13000—23000——10000
Mabi %———-62%—–47%—–(-)15%
R.O Votes—–4940—–12190——7250
Mabi Votes—-8060—–10810——-2750
R.O. has gained by the magnetude of the change in difference when it is -ve
Mabi has gained by the magnetude of the change in difference when it is +ve
Use the difference between the time stamp of this post with that of my previous similar post to approximate the length of the time interval.
Well I think that says it all. What's on trial now is the integrity of those folks conducting this poll. I'll give them the benefit of the doubt that perhaps they were at home and not monitoring this and that when they get into work they can see if any cheating was happening.
It seems to me if "both" side were in fact cheating and not just one, then their numbers gained over the interval would be similar, Clearly they are not; they are completely one sided.
Ro is much better, so I animated my friends to vote for once and I have a lot of friends at RO Server...
In majority, we have
-little kiddy rage posts against RO
-posts that both sides are cheating
-posts that want both to be DQed
I don't really care who win this and I'd also prefere them both to be DQed since both sides seem to be cheating and no matter which one will win >this< round, the other fraction will most likely start cheating against them in the next round which kills of the whole vote.
Well actually, concerning playerbase LoL will win. I don't play it, I don't even like it (tried it some time but it's not my type of game). But it has right now the biggest community of all mentioned games here. So simply quit this whole poll of cheating fractions on every side since those who cheat will also find out how to spoof MAC adresses, make LOL the winner of the never happened polls, call it a day and never bring up an unsecure poll like this again.
What will you do once both sides get removed from the brackets?
Silly troll
More like we RO communities have noticed you guys tried to Disqualify us through voting for us with vote bots/macros/whatever it is. Whatever, when you did that, the votes would be void, we couldn’t care less.
Crying out loud to convince the admins here that we are cheating won’t help it happen, MMOBOMB admins has enough brains to see what is going on.
Be honest and remember at 19th March, you guys started using macros first.
its recorded to be at 11 votes/minute.
12 hours later, we took action because of your immaturity.
3 hours later, you guys triples the macros into 33 votes/minute.
The vote is void then as the reports has been sent to MMOBOMB.
Rather that fighting cheaters with cheats, we decided to learn from our mistake unlike some immature communities.
We posted so many threads on local communities, take this for an example.
replace the stars with "kaskus"
That’s a spot for Indonesian community, we rallied idRO & idPSRO players which is around 1.5m active users atm.
We also visited Us, Ph ,and Jp threads to help us vote for this.
We rallied our own flags through hard-work.
Not through toxic acts.
Mabinogi has too unique of a gameplay to be overlooked by people who play the MMO clones that populate 90% of the internet now. I'm not saying this just as a fan of mabinogi, but as simple fact. You can't faceroll or macro your way through mabi like most other games. I played RO, RO2, and several other games, and nothing sticks out between them. The life skills aren't even unique. They're baby fed to you from lvl1.
Total Votes—-12000—12000——1000
Mabi %———-63%—–62%—–(-)1%
R.O Votes—–4440—–4940——500
Mabi Votes—-7560—–8060——-500
R.O. has gained by the magnetude of the change in difference when it is -ve
Mabi has gained by the magnetude of the change in difference when it is +ve
Use the difference between the time stamp of this post with that of my previous similar post to approximate the length of the time interval.
How 'bout that . . . no change!
Total Votes—-10001—11000——999
Mabi %———-66%—–64%—–(-)2%
R.O Votes—–3400—–3960——560
Mabi Votes—-6601—–7040——-439
Total Votes—-9002—10001------999
Mabi %———-69%—–66%-----(-)3%
R.O Votes—–2791—–3400------610
Mabi Votes—-6211—–6601-------389
R.O. gained 220 votes on that interval
now at 10:13pm its Ragnarok Online 32% Mabinogi 68% Total votes: 9285
is surprising that there are so many childish comment here on both games(Mabi - RO) and calling each other cheater.......
seem almost like they're bad apples of both sides >_>
Total Votes—-8001—9002
Mabi %———-73%—–69%
R.O Votes—–2160—–2791
Mabi Votes—-5841—–6211
R.O. gained 260 Votes on that last interval of 1000 votes.
Total Votes----7001-----8001
Mabi %----------76%-----73%
R.O Votes-----1680-----2160
Mabi Votes----5321-----5841
Mabinogi gained by 3680-3641=39 votes even though R.O. went from 24% to 27%.
If you want to see who is gaining then what you need to do is at some point you calculate the total votes cast for each candidate and then the difference between them. Wait a while and do it again. Finally calculate the difference between the two differences.
If you favor a particular candidate start with their number first and subtract the others number. When all is said and done if the difference of differences is positive your candidate is gaining, if negative the other is gaining and zero the difference between the two sums of votes is remaining constant.
I personally prefer Mabinogi over RO, but that is only because I love their stylized art and the amazing Celtic story line. If you have not played either of these games because they are "free to play", I suggest you try them. These games are both a ton of fun! If you are an honest fan trying to support your favorite game, I agree that cheating on either side is intolerable. Not just for the two games in question, but all the other games in this Ultimate F2P Showdown.
There. I said it. You lose, RO nostalgia.
Basically, stop all this hate and get on with the show. MMOBOMB have already said they're tracking IPs and if anything suspicious crops up they will intervene, so stop this anti-(insert enemy game here) propaganda and instead show respect and root for your own game!
note: If you are going to argue about player-counts and the such: bring cold hard proof so no one can disprove you, and then, only then, will you be taken seriously.
~ Happy voting and good luck guys :D
It got reset and it's being carefully watched
Some people have no taste in games
You do know that Mabi has over 100k people on facebook and people ingame telling people to go vote right? ...Right?
Guess most honest players won't vote again anyways because some side will start botting again. I'd prefer to see both sides removed from the whole poll since it was quite obvious none of them played fair.
And also it's a funny move that many game publishers give bonuses. Most seem to vote only to get bonuses and not because of the game. So it say nothing about the community actually but only shows the grief (especially in the cheating on both sides).
AP > everything else
I will say though that Planetside 2 is the game you should vote to win. It gets updated literally every week, the player base is a rather friendly bunch, the game itself provides a 100% unique and it provides an absolutely amazing experience.
That, and it's the most likely to make it the longest. It has a TEN YEAR DEVELOPMENT PLAN, this means that over the next FRIGGIN DECADE, this game will only get better and better, while a lot of other games will just fade into obscurity.
Or is it that just using bots is the issue? It's okay as long as you vote often manually? I can't see that either. If you can vote more than once as long as you do so manually, then the vote isn't nessessarily reflecting public opinion in the democratic sense but is rather a measure of game fan loyality instead. Then use of bots would be the same; a measure of game fan loyalty.
If this is meant as a pure democratic vote then make it clear and say so rather than suggest the opposite, and set it up so you can only vote once. Otherwise it's just hypocracy.
Now with the poll being closed its not hard to see the numbers for the votes was totaly abnormal though, but going from how voting was going even on the redo and redone poll mabi would still win giving past numbers of both game votes in the last two polls.
I know that Mabinogi also has some servers around the world but I doubt it reaches ROs fanbase all-time.
But It's quite funny that Mabinogi players were also considered cheating before this vote and nothing happened before. This shows tha if those RO players wouldn't have started doing the same thing to, Mabinogi would have simply won like before. Sometimes you have to do the wrong thing to do the right thing ^^
Although if I were to guess a winner I would go with LOL since it has the largest player base.
(hopefully without any hate and some decent, friendly comments!)
>player 2 cheats
>both players are cheating, 2 is still winning
player 1:"Hey, you're cheating! Not fair!"
Go away.
Just reading the previous comments made me go like.... What kind of crazy game are these that make their player so.... STUPID!!! like oh gawd, its not even a popularity contest, its basically a contest showing who has the stronger community awareness
Cheating on both sides? GG, tell us something that isnt from year 2000....
This game is better than that game.... No one gives a crap about your opinion, shut up and vote....
God I am glad i dont even play either game, like screw this rouge division has it rough with all these no life players who are bleeding....
I've been seeing that number tick up like clockwork, all for one game in particular that's pulled away with a steady % per hour. Mabi :P
I was even in the process of downloading that game and giving it a try, but I really don't want to support or encourage such blatant cheating. I can only imagine what the game must be like, and it couldn't possibly be friendly with all this trash-talking I'm seeing.
I wonder if they'll script votes in the Rogue div finals.
If we were to make a fair poll where no one could vote more than once and set it up between Mabinogi and Ragnarok Online in which there was no intervention between any other community - it would be only your version of Ragnarok (RO2 and other localized versions of the original can stay out) and only us as Mabinogi NA (no overseas servers or supportive players from other games) then I'd say Ragnarok Online would still lose. We've rallied our community rather well, the supportive non-cheaters are enough to carry us swiftly to victory.
March 7, 2014 at 12:06 pm
I can see Mabinogi potentially losing once it faces RO. RO has better music, older fanbase, amazing art, and has lived in private servers for long after the official servers went down. Plus, it will have renewed interest as people look forward to Tree of Savior online.
Also, Mabinogi gets some default hate for being Nexon, and the pets/reforges create a very negative pay2win experience.
As far as I can tell, the divisions are all locked.
No telling what might happen after that tho.
mabinogi kicking RO ass
Being released in 2003(if im not mistaken) has a good player and fan base. RO will beat Mabinogi. And will go all the way !
RO Woo Hoo !
Sorry for the double post. I made the same paragraph in another reply if anyone saw it.
MapleStory > STWOR sorry not enough fanboys Vader
League of Legends > Tera Online , sorry not enough eyecandy Elins
Ragnarok Online > Star Trek Online , RO doesn't come with PWE greedy gamble fest.
uhh Eden Eternal??? > Who the heck knows Ragnarok Online will own them all
Ragnarok Online vs League of Legends
Two entirely different games. No winners or losers, League of Legends will win due to still being relevant.
Mabinogi is horrible in my opinion I tried to play and it was just a nightmare.
Go smite!
Go Team Fortress 2!
Warframe is the best!
Dude... they even put SHAKESPEARE in the game!
for those curious a tank based battle system is where you attack an enemy(they don't flinch from taking a sword to the face) and they attack you(you don't flinch either) and you basically keep attacking each other till 1 of you dies. it's like a race to get your enemy's HP to zero first and you could practically just go afk and let the whole battle happen itself.
Mabinogi uses a tactical battle system where you must observe your enemy's actions and react to them to gain the upper hand. the battle does not happen automatically like with a tank based battle system. you have to stay active and aware of everything that's happening during the battle. this gives you a chance to actually show your skills for what they are.
another great thing about Mabinogi is character development. it is done in a variety of ways all at the same time(or almost all) and there is like no end to how far you can develop your character(s), no matter how much you develop you character(s) there is always room for improvement unlike many other MMO where your development stops once you've reached the level cap. in Mabinogi i am almost level 3000 and not only am i not even close to my fullest potential but even at this high level there are still enemies that are many, many times stronger than me yet despite that as long as i'm not rash, am smart enough and if possible have good friends at my side i can defeat these enemies that are way stronger than me.
another appeal of Mabinogi is the very friendly community. no one has called me a noob in Mabinogi and i've never seen anyone call anyone else a noob. calling other players noobs is a problem i have seen in many other MMO.
another appeal of Mabinogi is that it doesn't have a class system. say you're a skilled archer but you suddenly decide you want to use a sword, Many other MMO wouldn't let you do that but in Mabinogi you can just put the bow/crossbow aside and equip a sword. you archery skills will remain as good as they are while you are perfecting your sword skills so if you decide to go back to archery you won't have to restart your training.
if culture and/or mythology is appealing to you then you're in luck, Mabinogi draws from pre-christian Irish mythology. (and before you say Ragnarok Online is based on Norse mythology remember that game is based on a Korean comic based on Norse mythology so Ragnarok Online draws its mythology inspire theme from a secondary source where as Mabinogi draw it from a primary source)
one final appeal to Mabinogi is that its theme of fantasy life is strongly present, say you don't want to do battles, then you can be a cook, a blacksmith, a tailor and plenty of other things, you don't want to go into dangerous dungeons and such to get the materials then have other players escort you or have them get it for you. you can reward them by making them swords, armors, food and other items of higher quality than what you'd find in an NPC shop. while you do this and other things your relationship with other players will get stronger and while you're at it seek romance, Mabinogi has a marriage system and even a family system where married couples can adopt other players as their kids thus forming a family. this game took the life concept of fantasy life to a new level.
people cheating there vote so, others so, be possible vote only higher so, can't win
100% bet MMOBomb showdown for best music on TV (Bet: The Naked Brothers Band) BEAT those Jonas Brothers & Big Time Rush & Justin Bieber
free realms win more was in Showdown (Would Beat Legend of Angel) lol (don't going happen) shutting down forever (Mostly Sick of Disney People winning Kids Choice Awards)
only game don't like Plant vs Zombies (But Lot of People Love It Allot) bet they would win they was nominees
and they already made video game for Xbox One made: Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfar
watch that video on ZackScottLive
Thinking when Xbox 360 (Don't Sell) No Opinion show pick next: Xbox one or PS4?
bet XBOX ONE WIN MORE THEN PS4 (don't need tv for it) xD
which I love it :)
You know, combo oriented combat that’s kind of similar to a fighting game, in that you have to consider positioning but also what attacks are viable where they all basically stun the enemy. Not just targeting an enemy and pressing a button to use a skill, or just doing so in sequence while minding the fire on the floor, I mean actually considering damage types, which attacks will keep you from being retaliated against and whether or not its viable based on your position etc. Tera isn’t really like that, WoW or any of the standard MMOs aren’t like that, seriously what is?
I think Mabinogi is a spectacular game because of its combat, not to mention the fact that its supposed to have something for everybody like life skills or music, tons of clothes and a really social community, but god damnit is the administration horrific. The engine is old, you get your occasional hacking outbreaks, and in some cases its pretty pay to win (Yes, I’m talking about reforges, you can get a lot more potential damage out of reforges as compared to a skill/stat hoarding build, and is also just an RNG gamble)
but the reason Im asking is because I love the combat more than any other MMO I have ever played. Its completely unique, as far as I can tell, which makes me feel like its completely under-rated, unless theres another game out there with similar combat or concept, in that case: i want to play it
reposted because i need other things to play but im picky as hell
Popularity contest of obviously a random selection of mmo with a decent amount of players
Informed companies so they can let the players know instead of limiting it to the mmobomb community only, plus wider coverage of the contest
Not created to suit you freaken needs of specific titles
The line up is not in any particular order or of age of existance
Losers bracket? what is this? 1 bracket of specific genre games? no reason to have it since its basically showing who has a more active community or a community that cares
people hating on cash shop prices? you make me sick.... sure free to play should be balanced but I havent even seen games that litterally breaks the game by selling shit to their players to keep the game alive.... it cost money to maintain games and server people, understand that... ill understand if its like 1 shot kill weapons in fps games but in mmos, who gives a shit, their money, their advantedge, apparently people who rage about cash items are people who don't spend money at all to help the game they obviosuly like. IE: Mabinogi reforges imbalanced? Cash shop only? people sell them on a daily basis for a reasonable price.... 200-300k, which is easy as hell to make, even with only a low lvl character. AK eidoloians limited to cash shop? ITS freaken tradable people...... buy it from players....
Some people just look for trouble over the dumbest things....
Awaits the rage of people....
Oh... and.....
Mabinogi all the freedom to develop characters, ability to choose genders, races, classes to choose from which is a warrior with high levels of magic that's not too shabby with a bow that's character creation
take a break from battling to do crafting, farming, fishing, or just hanging out......sometimes when i can't sleep i kick on Mabi....take of my characters (you get 3 of em for FREE) to sit under a tree away from everything to listen to the birds chirp overlooking Maiz Prairie then just drift off to sleep
your first character (usually human) is totally you play you come across two different races from which you get an assist character from each ....totally free...and can play as any one of them you can even play as one of your pets if you want in order to train them up so they can better help in battle IF you need them....and now we can transform into different creatures ourselves to take on their skills while transformed....totally awesome game
I can see Nexon games going far such as Maple and Mabi
But LoL and TF2 can win this
Cleric division: League of Legends
Rogue division: PlanetSide 2
Wizard division: Warframe <333
Cleric: LoL
Cleric: League of Legends
Rogue: Mabinogi
Wizard: Warframe
No contest
its obviously mabinogi
but this is really just a popularity contest, and the sheer amount of people playing games like games like dota means we might not win.
Nice, guys.
RIP Paragon Studios.
MMO does not limit itself to genre, hence it's use. Some people use MMOG, G being game. If you really want to be definitive, it doesn't mean that whatever is MMO has to be a game.
MMOs are usually labeled without a genre because that's simply what they wind up as.
What person is this game in? Third? Thus, you add a T. MMOTP. Now what kind of game is this, a racing, or a shooter? MMOTPS.
Nothing is really an MMO, because everything is an MMO. Otherwise everyone would say, "What OGs are you playing?"
It would be tera but tera has one problem that is way too big to ignore.
already past 2k
keep it up guys
Mabinogi FTW
what a useless showdown
and this website is stupid
Besides, even if we did do the first-round matchups in a way to only match MMO vs. MMO, FPS vs. FPS, etc., they would get all messed up in later rounds, like in the TF2/DDO example above. Finally, people will rarely agree on the category a game belongs in (like the Hawken debate), so why bother?
Dota 2
Champions online
One of the worst match ups ever… nuff said.
Now all the AK fanboys are gonna vote for that piece of crap -_-"
Anyways, in the list theres only 2 titles that worth my time, tf2 and dungeons and dragons, rest is either junk or not my thing.
And whats up with the match-ups? you match dotas and rpgs? and rpgs with shooters? what point, if any, is there in doing that? at least divide the stuff by cathegory and genres.
Aura Kingdom
Dust 514
Star Wars the Old Republic.