MMOBomb interviews Matt Higby, Creative Director for Planetside 2.
By Michael Dunaway -
MMOBomb catches up with the developers from Digital Extremes creators of Warframe, to find out just what the company has been up to with the MMO. In the interview we talk Clan Dojo features, upcoming PvP additions, Park-our, plans for the PS4, a community designed Warframe and more.
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MMOBomb interviews Matt Higby, Creative Director for Planetside 2.
Two bodies, one brain...but does it hold up?
Some are good, most are bad...but even some of the bad ones can be good, right?
What games are coming and are you still excited for any of them?
It's put itself in like with Warframe, but can it compete?
[ <3 <3 I love WARFRAME<3 <3 ]
Ontopic: Great interview. Looking forward for Warframe on Ps4!