Warframe: Guide to Making Credits - Gold Hunters

On this episode of Gold Hunters, we give you the lowdown on how to make big money in Warframe. Or should we say credits? Find out what combination of guns, levels, and Warframes you should be running in order to make the most credits for the least amount of time. We hope this guide will help you get rich in Warframe.

To find more about Warframe check out the game page which includes more info, user reviews, tons of screenshots, and additional videos. Don´t forget to subscribe to MMOBomb YouTube channel.

Gold Hunters is a show where we show you how to make some gold in your favorite MMOs. We take you behind the scenes and explain where and what you should be doing in order to succeed financially so you can purchase that expensive mount or epic item!

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Discussion (24)

the yyy 11 years ago
the enemy is running slow
can not jump

mdk 11 years ago
what is Platinum??? is that the ingame store money that u can buy??

thecool1232 11 years ago
if only it was still that easy to get credits that was the only good thing about the old mod system :/

winggod 11 years ago
I like this keep up the good work and be happy.

auan 12 years ago
I can't believe why there's no ideal games coming out. I like a new game called Age of Wushu, something like a fancy and real action Kung Fu movie. It's the innovative combat system made the game.

guab 12 years ago
These years no other games than this can make me so dedicated...Oh and aslo Age of Wushu.

relakz 12 years ago
With the new Update 7, this guide is no longer valid :D

Spammie 12 years ago
Good Job.

Brtt 12 years ago
That's all nice, but it would be even nicer for your non-native-english audience to slow down the speech and try to articulate a bit more :/

Cacalips 12 years ago
BAsically, huge pay outs in CB. OB released a balanced flow of mods and cash, and spoiled CB crying. I have been playing for 3 days, Level 13 everything, everything moded, I have over 45K in credits, more mods and fusion pieces than I know what to do with..I seriously am too rich, and need to sell this crap. The heart of the game, just play the maps, get rewards...nothing but greedy cry babys 'oooo my credits". I got about 150 plat...so...it is not needed. I can but whatever with regular credits. I just crafted new weapons, found new weapons, and can purchase whatever war frame....But so far just enjoying trying to solo some stuff. There are bugs. Lots of them, that need tweakin. That is my only complaint

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Takerukun3 12 years ago
lol most mods i get are like 300 each now since the patch... i did get some platinum though.

bountyhunter2025 12 years ago
this is a very good video but u should make one withe the new update "stormbringer" update 7

Noman01 12 years ago
am i the only one who thinks that the title gold hunter deserves a rock theme song with some dude screaming the title in that rock way.

Elesion1337 12 years ago
Yet another great idea from mmobomb :)

This is going to be a great help to people like me ! - Those who always want the top notch items but can never afford them D: Hope this continues and spreads to other games :)

Adrian87 12 years ago
I'm lazy so i'm just gonna copy my YT comment.
Good idea for a show, really nice. And i love that you picked Warframe, one of my favorite games, but the timing is awful. Update 7 is already 2 days old and changed a lot, including how to make credits. You should have made the video after update 7.

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Mount police 12 years ago
Okay, okay. Enough of that. You're under arrest.

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mitkosa 12 years ago
Mounted :D

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