Warframe First Look Video

Warframe is a free to play sci-fi third person hack-slash shooter by Digital Extremes. Players can choose from multiple "warframes" each with their own unique powers and attributes. The gameplay is somewhat similar to Left 4 Dead with players teaming up with friends to complete co-op PvE levels against hordes of challenging AI.

To find more about Warframe check out the game page which includes more info, user reviews, screenshots and additional videos. Don´t forget to subscribe to MMOBomb YouTube channel.

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Discussion (37)

whee whee 11 years ago
its really lag when online

justinmap 11 years ago
What is your favorite class?
Mine is Ash

Asa99 12 years ago
This is the best si-fi game i have ever played but it lags most of the time but i dont care its flipping awsome i got me beta key and any one wants one beter get it fast

templarshade 12 years ago
Got my key from here minutes after watching the first look video, have played it over the week-end (already reached level 30 on my starter warframe, the Excalibur, which I also upgraded to pro) and the game thus far has been incredibly good.

Have particularly liked the RPG elements, the progression system they implemented and before you start pointing fingers at the PRO system and the necessity to pay real money to stay competitive or acquire more warframe and weapon slots (you start out with one additional warframe slot and 5 more weapon slots, for a total of 2 warframe and 8 weapon slots, which, given the actual number of options in the game isnt all that bad), let me just say this: the game is free-to-play, its not free-for-all-intents-and-purposes.

People spent a lot of time working on this, and. for an actual closed beta (unlike some Asian titles where CBT and OBT are more like ad campaigns), the amounts and severity of the bugs I encountered werent that crippling, so in my own personal opinion, this game deserves the money it asks for if you decide to invest any significant amount of time and effort into it.

GamingMaster 12 years ago
This game reminds me of mass effect with out the cover system, Overall it's a unique game but since it's still in CBT it has lag\crash issues.

The only thing I didn't like was the lack of warframes to choose from at the beginning and the rest is either bought with real cash currency (platinum) or ingame by crafting them.

Charles 12 years ago
Just to throw in my two cents. When it says update failed, I unticked 64 bit mode from the little gear at the top right and it worked.

Akuma 12 years ago
so....how to download this game? ;o;

losswert 12 years ago
hey guys, this game is awesome, but why cant i invite my friends into a squad?, i always invited them but it failed everytime :/

rkane2342 12 years ago
It works brilliantly on my 64bit without any crashes and i am lovnig the gameplay a lot

TheGamer 12 years ago
I'm playing the beta, did you guys noticed a button on the Upgrade Screen called UPGRADE TO PRO? If you purchase it with the Platinum (Premium cash) you unlock a shipload of new upgrades and mod slots.What you guys think about this?Does it matter if the game will be PvE only?

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r0ck3t 12 years ago
Hey please help me!!!!

When it have updated in 20 mins or more it just says ``Update failed please try again later`` -.- and yes i tryed to wait a day :D
hope you can help me :)


KalameesJr 12 years ago
Played it yesterday with the key I got from mmobomb. It was quite enjoyable alas there are some questionable directions they have taken their development. The worst offender in my opinion is the fact that extra respawns are bought with real life money currency (hello war Z) and that in order to unlock the full potential of any weapons or armor you need to spend real life money currency aswell.

Other than that it ran well on my semi-ancient machine after I configured my settings and it was fun, until I got tired of mashing my E key.

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Okofire 12 years ago
This whole game. Just reguired 500-600mb update. And that was all. And with this graphic!! It is great. Those developers could teach developers of Battlefield 3. :D

mAbOK 12 years ago
OH yeah!!
a shoutout to the mmobomb first look! Thank you!

PuddingBearZ 12 years ago
:) this Beta is amazing for a CB this is my DA-Bomb hands down

Headnax 12 years ago
How i can get the uncut version of the game like u? cause my version is cuted ): ?

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Adrian87 12 years ago
I did enjoy very much this first look with Magicman and Spunky, but why no mention about the upgrade to pro option? The one that gives DOUBLE tech tree for warframes and weapons? Not the mention the 4th ability of a warframe is included there. I do enjoy warframe a lot, but it's only downside is the upgrade to pro option.

fightmasterr 12 years ago
Turn the bloom off immediately, helps a lot.

GrimReaperrz 12 years ago
Not entirely sure.. but isn't it forbidden to make videos or screenshots of the closed beta? i saw that on the first page of the introduction thread on the forums

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Cacalips 12 years ago
Viindictus in space but less female presence... Going where men have gone before in P3N1S like suits....

Hobojohn6 12 years ago
It kinda reminds me of the mass effect series.

CoffeeBlack 12 years ago
This is a really fun game, soft of like Global Agenda meets L4D with Diablo style enemy and level generation, I have been following this game since it started back in 2005 as a concept video for Dark Sector, which was later turned into a really mediocre Gears of War clone. I am so glad that the developer saved their designs and music and everything to make this happen. It's so satisfying to melee kill something in this game. My only problem with the current beta is that the friends list doesn't work properly yet, often-times it will show your friends as being offline and will not allow you to join each other's games. I'm sure they will iron that out though.

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Cyberpunk 12 years ago
I dont crash at all with dx11 and 64bit enabled(actually i havent crashed at all yet).The game is pretty good iam just not a fan of co-op with ai opponents,To me it seems very repetitive and the same every mission,but it is in early beta so there will be changes and more content.Still i dont know if this is a game would play regularly

totti 12 years ago
good game thanks you beta key mmobomb :)

chense 12 years ago
first :D
but very nice game but i have a lot of time a weard crash

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