On this week's episode we sample the deluge of MOBA games set to come out this year.
On this episode of Bomblive, Spunkify heads into the closed beta for Warface, Crytek's Free-to-Play FPS. Using Crytek's new gface browser plugin, Spunkify tries his best to score big, but the hit detection gods are not on his side today it seems. Watch as brows furrow and shotgun shells fly on this week's episode of BombLive!
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BombLive is the official MMOBomb livestream show where viewers get to watch and interact with their favorite MMOBomb hosts! We pick some of the latest free to play games to play with our fans in this full hour live show! Come enjoy a livestream broadcast on our official Live Stream page: http://www.twitch.tv/mmobomb every Wednesday at 2PM PST.
On this week's episode we sample the deluge of MOBA games set to come out this year.
Strip the dungeons out of an MMORPG and just play those.
Let's give you a quick peek at what Marvel Rivals has in store. First Look coming at launch!
NCSoft and Amazon Games bring the F2P MMORPG to a global audience, but will they like it?
Two bodies, one brain...but does it hold up?
im waited in 2 years now soon 3 years and i am one of the first that sing up for beta but here's the problem i have never got it so just wonder if you guys can lay up a giveaway or send me a invite code for europe.
It's should be nice because i waited for so long for it
Hopefully crytec will fix a LOT of issues before the game heads to OB.
You will see this in PvP, the game has skills and nothing to level up, you get all skills right off the bat. The skills are 100% USeless in the game. And semi usefull in PvE. Example: Instant respawn and small map (you run back to where you died in under 5 seconds) = No need for a medic what soever. The fact medic has a useless shotgun = even more reason to remove this broken class all together.
Engineer has trip bombs and armor replenish...Giving other players armor...in a game where survival is about 15 to 40 seconds...no one cares nor needs it. Trip bombs suck and useless in EU US version. In Russia we were able to throw out 3 and they were pretty abused/effective...US/EU = useless.
Assault is ok, but again, he replenishes peoples ammo...Something you die to fast to ever need.
Sniper. No skills. The game even states this in the tutorial: "The sniper has no skills but is an efficient long range killer"....Problem in small maps, you are a battle sniper and will get shot instantly especially when you can cap the other players spawn zones easily...The few sniper spots require that some one hoist you up and are well known so you cant play strategically...It is crap.
Speaking of hoisting...They replaced Ladders with the hoist. Stupid.
EU/US is pay 2 Win. Russia version is not. In RU you have permanant unlocks and no damage repair. In US/EU you have to pay to repair and rent guns...It sucks.
RUSSIA = CLIENT BASED game, runs great. US/EU = Browser Based, graphics to hit, hit box lag, runs like crap. Horrible "seed" feature. You know google circles? They try to copy this sort of social system in the game/website....it is annoying and sucks.
Conclusion: RU version was crap. It felt like a failed game turned FPS. The end game was: Build in heavy armor to take tons of hits, then abuse the slide function, and use knife.
US/EU is crap for all those and more...The game is just garbage. Dont create an account, because they will try to market it as "thousands of players". PvE is a borring joke. Play Warframe if you want a good shooter. As a twitched plays game it fails. Play other shooters...any shooter. Sad sad sad. This is not Cryteks fault at all. This is the publisher and devs. And greed of course
only thing that cost cash was some armor, helmets etc.. everyone has access to weapons it even has a lucky capsule thing like AVA which can drop a unique item ( last time I played it was a desert eagle) .. I got one after 5 - 7 tries
I really enjoyed the game but since I was in the russian version I couldn't understand my team mates and lack of communication is never good in a FPS game
PVE is ok but it seems AI seem to have aimbot to players head in harder missions..
PVP is fun but many will love killing medics..
When the game finaly launches it will be the best F2P game even better than blacklight in my opinion