War Inc. Battlezone First Look Video

War Inc. Battlezone is a 3D free to play, online multiplayer, session-based third person shooter game, where you will compete with your friends and other players in real time, action packed team vs. team ground combat.

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Discussion (10)

ugurano 12 years ago
shit game ever

UrreviewFAILS 13 years ago
This game was AWESOME. All the other garbage out there was twitch based crap fest. The only games that promote skill / strategy and team play are BF 2, BF Bad Co. (just the first one), all the others turned to wanna be CoD or these run of the mill FPS F2P where you cannot even zoom in much less aid others. War Zone shined as an awesome tactical shooter where all classes help. Noobs cried: "It is 4rd person, not 1st" But you are only 3rd while running walking, it is all 1st if you right click to steady your gun to shoot. Also.
Use FRAPS, or whatever, to film two games. 1.) an "FPS", and 2.) This game. In CoD, AVA, etc.. the gunis ALWAYS stuck to your head. You walk/run with the fun in your head. When characters turn that corner or run up to another, they do this dance of "Spin around each other firing until some one dies (probably spamming jump)". Now, in War Inc. THIS NEVER HAPPENS due to the tactical 3rd person view. The view has a sway as you walk making it more realistic , it also works as a "peek around corner" view naturally, instead of holding CTL left to peek. It was smart. Smart people could not understand. They missed spamming jump to jump over bullets and they missed the fact that other games cater to the noob. The player base was basically guys that knew how to play. Then noobs. Almost every match you had some noob try to shoot his own team them ask "Why wont you die? I shot you"? In which I had to reply "You are on my team...". Then they follow you trying to shoot you.
ALSO, people do not understand map dynamics. Other FPS, you memorize the map or are all forced to zerg a hallway (BF F2P is horrible in this regard). This game was designed, no matter what direction you look in, there are hundreds of places to hide or come from, you can memorize a general direction, but you will never know where the enemy could be coming from. The only game that can compete is one where you can destroy terrain to your advantage, making that hall way unpridectable.
What killed it for me: Creaters web site was always horribly out dated. The game started adding features that resembled the twitch based games. Aire strikes, fast speed boosts. I started seeing guys run at unrealistic speeds hopped up on cash shop speed boosts. It looked dumb. It felt retarded... this was now all other FPS. I uninstalled. It may have changed, I may check it out again, but occupied at this momment. To all others looking to get away from your little ADD brothers frag fest games, this is IT!

banana222 13 years ago
wow the game is awsome i give it a 7/10 on the graphics 9/10 on the weapons and 10/10 on the character that least a total of 26/30

DiBBz 13 years ago
@Zalor = u must be at least stupid or somthing its not a FPS its a TPS and @rippaz is right u dont know if its gd or not untill u really try it and dig deep into the game but sadly thats changed now due to them releaseing a new patch just yesterday and i have to say its really quite a disapointment its just turned the game into a complete downer i liked it before but now the characters run funny then jump wierd and the game just dose not play as it should when behind cover u can just aomt down ur site NP but now if ur behind cover the site is aimed all the awy up in the air so it forces u to move back so u can aimt straigh over all i give this game

6/10 now

before patch was

9/10 in my opinion

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Szilardka 13 years ago
Very bad game...

Zhoom 13 years ago
I agree with Rippaz. The game does have a change of pace when you unlock scopes, it becomes slightly more interesting but I still would prefer to play APB - I'd recommend War Inc. if you can't play APB.

rippaz 13 years ago
i downloaded it the day it was first 'announced' i played less than 5 mins before uninstalling , last week at my father's house i had nothing to play on his computer so i redownloaded this since its a little download ,, i gotta say to evryone , give it an honest try before judging , cauz my opinion on it tottaly changed , i consider it as one of the best free mmotps , graphics are not the best but better than anything in 2010-2011 free market ,, and when u unlock scopes it become an hybrid third/first person shooter , overall for a free one its greatly making the job! and like the reviewer mentions its totally original that Tps/Battlefield-like style!

Zalor 13 years ago
That was one of the worst F2P shooters I've ever played.

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