Tera: Rising First Look Video

Starting on February 5th, Tera is a Free to Play Action Combat MMORPG Developed by Bluehole Studios. The game features familiar MMO mechanics in an action combat environment. Crafting, Dungeons, PvP, and high end graphics combine to create an MMORPG familiar enough for MMO veterans and engaging enough to draw in players new to the genre.

To find more about Tera: Rising check out the game page which includes more info, user reviews, screenshots and additional videos. Don´t forget to subscribe to MMOBomb YouTube channel.

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Discussion (56)

mhillerchamp 12 years ago
is it out yet?

1stDragon 12 years ago
So next will be RIFT ? xD

Cacalips 12 years ago
So, It is one week I have been studying the servers and getting feed back in both US and EU.
The verdict is in. They have negineered the game to put you in a Pay to LOG IN model for the free 2 players.

You will wiat anywhere from 30min to 2hours each evening (peak times) and all weekends. The time goes up the later you join.
The servers have a rating of base or low, middle, and high server populations. IF you are a foundry member, you can get in first on low to high populations. IF you are in the club, you can get in at mid to high.

IF you log in around 5-6pm as a F2P you have a wait of 30 min 700 people. Then 7-9 1000 people and one hour, then 2K + and over 2 hours wait just until 11PM. Weekends are 2 hour waits 2K people (so they say) noon until midnight.

Odd, this was not the case at launch. I created a character and play on peak time and hit level 16. Now I am locked out of the game unless I wait. And you are going to love the client time out after 15min waiting, so after you wait 60 min. You will have been DCd for wating and thrown back in the line....
I have created an alt but I really nejoyed the community I was with and gained a guild and friends that are waiting for me. MY alt is a "low" server that was added....in fact, in response to this problem, the FAIL company made 3 new "international servers"...all PvP. It is the ultimate troll. 'Stuck out of your PvE server? here, try a PvP and gank troll fest. Sorry we did not miror a server for your region, we fail to focus on client needs." SSeriously MY server has never hit HIGH, only medium, but we have to pay, as mentioned above, to get in. All they need to do to balance this, if it is not pay to log in gimik, is mirror the TOP 3 POPULATED servers: Mirror 1, 2, and 3 and done. All the others are marked "LOW", so why create 3 new PVP and ignore the regions that need it the most??? YOU GUESSED IT

P2L = Pay to Login. Honostly, bravo, never thought greed could get so low in gaming.

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executor18 12 years ago
how to buy tera rising europe full client?

Eviil 12 years ago

BloodLord 12 years ago
I played tera for a bit it was dissapointing when tera was pay2play becuase they didnt have the physical time cards due to that it was a pain . but now its laggy, and when it goes free to play its gonna get even crazier .... this issue upsets me ..... anyways im gonna start playing tera again and see how it goes if ayone wants to start playing with me add add my facebook Jadden Matheson, message me the details, as in Class, Race, Server, PvE, or PvP . and so on so forth... BloodLord, OUT!

SiiKGaming 12 years ago
Sup guys, I just bought the game and I'm wondering if anybody is gonna be starting Tera soon also... I'm looking for a partner to play with; Contact me at SiiKGaming1@hotmail.com If you wanna duo / trio, thanks!

LordHikaru 12 years ago
Honestly considering buying the game while I still can.. mostly for the founder's perks, but I don't plan on going Elite except maybe the first 30 days then cancel the subscription. I'm enjoying myself so far. If anyone is on the PvP Server, you'll find me under my Archer, Barack.Torox lol.

chefmadness 12 years ago
LOL you mentioned me. Wish you would go more in depth with the social panel.

See ya later MagicMan.

Inlfictious 12 years ago
Dl'd this again , ATM i just want players to know that YOU Cannot add friends with the trial , version ..We'll see if this changes at launch.

TwoDigitScout 12 years ago
Love the chat system restriction by level. Hopefully dissuades spammers or make them work harder for it.

ugurano 12 years ago
this game kill aion, im tested and bored from click system

fyther 12 years ago
50gb -.-

Golam 12 years ago
I have a level 30 Berserker

Arthh 12 years ago
hes making archer look boring wtf. noob

Defect 12 years ago
=( free to play 30 days....

Tiger 12 years ago
Magicman they said you cant transfer from old server to new only Old > Old New > New Source : http://tera-forums.enmasse.com/forums/news-announcements/topics/TERA-Rising-Available-February-5

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s1m007 12 years ago
can you grind in tera ??

KalameesJr 12 years ago
Should have really shown people some melee combat aswell in the end tbh because imho ranged combat pales in comparison to melee combat in Tera.

Berny 12 years ago
I was gonna try this game. (Followed since launch) But i most likely wont due to the fact i get MAYBE 200 kb/s download speed. :/ Is it worth the wait?

Firaxes 12 years ago
Great first look as always. I did a trial on this some time ago and felt it just wasn't for me, at least not as a buy and sub game. After the F2P announcement I decided to try it again and now feel that as a free game, it will be hard to beat. I've become a founder and look forward to playing at least as a filler until NW or TESO open up.

Reaper5167 12 years ago
Hey Magicman, a friend of mine told me that Malaysian ip has been blocked from here, i was really looking forward to tera :( is it true?

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Panda Bowie 12 years ago
I personally bought the game after playing the trail and i liked it but just a warning at level 20+ you need somtimes a group to do the quest (BAMS) you can solo but experienced players only really..

magicman 12 years ago
lalala o.O

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Kess 12 years ago
I'm definitely going to try TERA, now that it's free. It certainly looks good enough and I would be silly to pass up the opportunity to at least give it a go myself before judging it.

cejey 12 years ago
what kind of mount did u use there o.O? and how to get it ! it rly looks nice :O...

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Sidecrew 12 years ago
Is their gonna be any IP block :o thanks for aswering :3 !

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Inflictious 12 years ago
Few questions for you on this.

If you go the hot bar route/keyboard.. Instead of like other game's you get in a rythm..example 1,2,1,2,1,2,3 repeat...
In Tera doe's this mean it could become a... Using your starting skill that you used ..3, than space,space,space,space till the chai run's out than repeat?

Question on Priest/Healer class.. This class do you have to manualy "Try " and target the player that you want to cast a heal or is there a tab option ...If not , I could see the healer having 1 hell of a time with Everyone running everywhere, Making a Healer class one of the most needed..Being a Noob healer , no one will ever want to play with you.

Thanks for the video.. Showed me the world more than what i seen on the F2P cast.

You asked me why i was not playing Tera , Well another and my main reason was i did dl that huge starter trial start at lvl 20 , but the world was path a - b , I really hate that alot . And after seeing your video , than thinking ahhh i will give it a try , and starting on that beach to see it was exactly the same.. Lasted not even 5 minutes i had deleted the game from my pc...I was just not happy with what i saw in the vid and when logging in for the first time..

I am an open world type player .


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kitkatchunky 12 years ago
Magicman i'm a fan and value your opinion alot :)

Just a quick question, is this game worth it? I wasted too much time on raiderz, and it turned out dissappointing and boring/repetitive. Is there any action mmo out there right now that is better than tera (either f2p or b2p) or is this the best thing?

Looking for a game that has a decent blend of both story and action oriented combat (not the point and click)


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GizmoMKD 12 years ago
i just w8 more from this game.

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JorSar 12 years ago

Okofire 12 years ago

P.S. Mounted suck

ugurano 12 years ago

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