Tarisland Gameplay First Look

It's been a long time coming but Tarisland has officially reached a full, global launch. Does the MMORPG from Level Infinite and Tencent really offer anything new, though? How does it stack up against the wide array of MMOs available on PC right now? Let's check it out!

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Discussion (1)

ksharp25 7 months ago
I shamefully admit I have played both beta's and the tech test and have been on Tarisland from day one. I keep trying to tell myself things like "ok this is going to be same old same old, and you will get bored of this part by a week". But oddly enough, I keep having fun with this.

I can't place my finger on any one thing that makes me come to this every weekend. There is certainly a fair number of things to complain about that needs addressed, there are plenty of times I roll my eyes at some cliche and rip off content and say "Good Lord.." but I keep logging in. I keep having fun with this for now.

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