Absolute Force Online is a free to play shooter that allows players to switch between first and third person perspective on the fly.
In this First Look we examine the much anticipated free to play conversion for the much talked about Star Wars: The Old Republic (SWTOR) MMORPG. Breaking from normal First Look formats, we dive into the Pros and Cons of the conversion and showcase Space and Land Combat as well.
To find more about Star Wars The Old Republic check out the game page which includes more info, user reviews, screenshots and additional videos. Don´t forget to subscribe to MMOBomb YouTube channel.
Absolute Force Online is a free to play shooter that allows players to switch between first and third person perspective on the fly.
It came at the right time with the right IP, but does it deliver?
Strip the dungeons out of an MMORPG and just play those.
Was the wait for this troubled title worth it?
Did it really need to be a sequel? Let's find out!
I have not played in awhile, So i dunno how bad it is.. But to be honest.. This is the game that ended SWG... after 8yrs and swg never lost players until the CU and the NGE >,< cuz they thought it would be a good idea.. wow they were wrong.. and SWTOR is still new and is already going down hill, and swg was in my view was better in all aspects.. But if they dont start looking into what the people are saying and change some of the restrictions they will go down the same road as swg did..
I for one dont have any problems with the restrictions except them cutting off operations completely.There are even some subscribers that think the restrictions free to play people got are too light.That's right,they want them more harsh.Oh and if you dont believe me go read the forums.(Which is even worse because subscribers can ridicule and brand free to players without us even having a chance to defend ourselves cause,guess what,we can't post cause were free to play).
Do you think that they will make this game abit more f2p than it is now ??
Great review as allways.
Buuut... i have to agree with Magicman. If you only wanted KOTOR3... it actually works. You dont get gear, you miss out on many of the MMO stuff, but you mostly can experiance the whole story which is the main point of this game anyway (lack of actionbars makes life difficult for some classes)
I started download two times, but I canceled both times because while I think it would be awesome to play a Star Wars game, I don't want to be bashed in the community. I like some companionship and I just can't play a game were most seem to have something against me, even though I haven't done anything.
Ugh. Just, no. They could have done this better, but I guess they didn't really think about anything else than money when they did this...
i feel like theres better games that are worth the investment time than this i love star wars but this is bad.
can anyone help me please
for those who want to try it, do not do it is not worth, the restriction of exp makes it difficult to play