Soul Captor First Look

Soul Captor is a free to play 3D fantasy MMORPG. One of the game's core gameplay mechanics is a Soul System that allows players to capture fallen enemies in the Soulpedia and can use them as mounts.

To find more about Soul Captor check out the game page which includes more info, user reviews, tons of screenshots, and additional videos. Don´t forget to subscribe to MMOBomb YouTube channel.

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Discussion (19)

tehooty 12 years ago
after playing cb i think this is a winner. leveling up fast only gets a high lv toon with low power. ob and pvp will be surprising for alot of ppl. if it is not a pay to win game it will definetly become ledgendary.

iceykitsune 12 years ago
this beta is UK ONLY!

Sebastianated 12 years ago
Like to say I really enjoyed this video.

From the Video and how thing's were explained. I would like to try this game out, I for one am not a Pokemon person. But, a huge completionest and like to do achievements and that sorta thing. Also, do not like cartoony looking stuff but, this doesn't seem as bad as some other's i've seen. Plus, i'm alway's looking for new thing's to get into now, as I am getting bored of everything else i've tried.

If anyone has a game I might be interested in please hit me up, would like to know if i'm missing out on something. Mainly MMORPGs, not big on shooter's or MOBAs, suck at 'em lol.

Echoman 12 years ago
Maybe this game is worth the shot, but it probably gona be like with Spirit Tales and Eden Eternal when grind starts game ends.

valeman31 12 years ago
Once again is World of Warcraft Copy-Like

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fhpp 12 years ago
game is divina 2.0. a game that is worth a try is the knightage that will launch in 2 days, I've just tested it in the taiwan version, and I can tell you, the game is very good.

to begin with you can cast any spell/attack being on your mount! wich means you can heal, shoot arrows, meteors everything!
other interesting thing that I noticed so far, the dungeons are very well polished, first dungeon you have to walk throught rocks droppping and you have to go to certain spots or you die. The boss has 22k hp (when you have only 500-700), once he gets to 3k hp he start spawning orbs everywhere, and if he run into those orbs he start healing, I couldnt solo the dg once he got to 3k hp and started walking into orbs he got back to 22k. You have to kill the orbs before he walk into them but hteres alot soooooooooooooo.

excited with the game, cant wait! two more days!

Grimarcane 12 years ago
I think I will give this a Try ..... and yes I do like the pokemon games .... they are fun little time killers.

ononymous 12 years ago
graphics seems to be 90s.... -.-

idipt 12 years ago
one word for this game: DIVINA 2.0

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ZombieMarkTwain 12 years ago
This game looks rather refreshing...I hope it's not a flop...I could use a break from traditional games...No Gender Lock eh? Totally on my list of need to plays.

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Gabriel Reis 12 years ago
muito legal na minha opiniao

Dantiko 12 years ago
Looks cool, might try it out.

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