On the verge of the F2P conversion, Magicman jumps into Tera to show you some of the ins and outs to get you pumped for what is a very anticipated F2P conversion!...
On this week's show we talk about MMOs on consoles, give a little bit of advice for getting your channel out there, and even talk about MMO exploration. We even introduce "Rapid Fire" where shorter questions are answered quickly back to back!
Ask MMOBomb is an MMOBomb.com weekly exclusive where we answer questions from our viewers. While questions should be Free to Play games related, they don't always HAVE to be if you question is something we think viewers REALLY want to know. So feel free to ask anything you want! Questions are chosen from YouTube, Facebook and our website comments on the previous episodes, and emails sent to magicman@mmobomb.com. Get those questions ready and let's have some fun!
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On the verge of the F2P conversion, Magicman jumps into Tera to show you some of the ins and outs to get you pumped for what is a very anticipated F2P conversion!...
Strip the dungeons out of an MMORPG and just play those.
We knew it wasn't going to do much new, but is it worth playing at all?
Let's give you a quick peek at what Marvel Rivals has in store. First Look coming at launch!
It's put itself in like with Warframe, but can it compete?
Pso2 would have been one of the best games ever had to come to consoles, not everyone has a good enough PC to really run it well, and having it on console would have opened it up to a much wider audience (in America, I'm not sure about Japan)
Cross-platform? Yes.
Streamlined mechanics and everything "preset" is not how I envisioned my MMO's being in the future.. And unless consoles start becoming more like PC's and less like Smart Phones, there is just no room for this genre there..
Why don't company's add gold in thier item mall's?..( Not that i would Ever buy any )
Nothing is worse than a chat system full of Buy gold here , power lvling..bla bla bla.
Spamming the chat non stop. It as you know now has gotten so bad thier even starting to " Try " and sell it in CBT's....
It's nothing but profit for them , and make's thier game's more player friendly.
I truely think that is one of the Biggest pet peeve's that is out thier , But on the F2P cast for your peeve question ..I wonder how many have said this.. ( I never, i forgot all about it at the time i was awnsering that question, I bet alot of other players did also)
Thanks for another Great show
I had to comment a bit on the exploration bit because you didn't mention GW2 having secrets in their maps. You do have exploration and vista points and all that but, you do have to look around abit to find things like jumping puzzles and diving platforms which do get rewarded for finding. GW2 is an excellent example on the notion of exploration and reward.
Anyway, I got a question for you. Is MMOBomb going to be bringing in any more people in the near future? If so, what would one have to do in order to become part of the team?
I don't want to see Rusty Hearts or Soul Worker on consoles.
I pretty much love exploration...when I started GW2, I made it a goal to 100% explore an entire map before moving on to the next one. I'd enjoy seeing it in other MMOs, though Magicman is right..it'll be harder for f2p games, or at least those who's dev teams have a smaller budget.
Great ep, keep up the work :)
great episode as usual keep it up man oh and also
21:05-21:14 i bet it was a message for cacalips hahahha u heard that?learned from it kid