See You On The Servers (ASK Ep 13)

On this week's show we delve into a record breaking EIGHT questions to get YOU the answers you want to know about! Magicman announces a new show coming to MMOBomb as well! Enjoy!

Ask MMOBomb is an weekly exclusive where we answer questions from our viewers. While questions should be Free to Play games related, they don't always HAVE to be if you question is something we think viewers REALLY want to know. So feel free to ask anything you want! Questions are chosen from YouTube, Facebook and our website comments on the previous episodes, and emails sent to Get those questions ready and let's have some fun!

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Discussion (37)

rezaa 11 years ago
Why we all believe online games should be like this type? No! I believe Age of Wushu is not limited by tasks in game, which is more diverse.

zhengf 11 years ago
Such stereotyped game is bound to be unacceptable! You should quit! Or, join us to play Age of Wushu, a fresh and funny MMO game.

SecondBarrage 12 years ago
what do you think of MMO's having multiple server types (ex. casual, old school difficulty, permadeath, hardcore)

Magicman you will be missed and if and when you return you will have viewers willing to welcome you back as a host

CranberrySauce 12 years ago
hey Jellopy i agree,iv never understood why ppl get weird about what sex you and your toon are? Iv always played females in games even when i was a kid starting out on table top D&D .Its never been about a sexual thing for me it just cool to be a small chick with a big GUN/SWORD.any rp games online iv played i also tell ppl (ooc) yo im a dude.What wierds me out is the ppl that wanna cyber with you(had someone ask me about that once in DAOC)my only guess is those are the ppl that get mad about dudes playing chick,but whatever im hear to slay dragons not jerk it to a video game,i guess those ppl can go play second life lol :P

ZhaoYun 12 years ago
about guys playin female characters i think u dont see anyone complaining about girls playin male chars cause they arent any imo cause girls just play female chars at least as far as i've seen
and i really havent seen a single girl playin a male char so i quess thats why there isnt an "u a girl why u play a male char?" arguement

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jonathon82 12 years ago
I dont know Magicman is they can do an Age of Conan MMO and it be some what succesful they can certainly do a He-Man Masters of the Universe ya think?

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ValkyrieXVIII 12 years ago
That's poopy that you're leaving, I loved watching your videos, hope to see you round soon !

Amerden 12 years ago
shame you are taking a brake (and i hope it is like that). magickman, really, it was you who created a new kind of gaming journalism here. it's not that new, but here, you managed to popularize it to a degree. for me, it is you, who actually created overall gamer2gamer critic content. a lot of mistakes, shinanigans and etc. but in the end - it always has been a fun and yet informative experience.

overall, thank you.

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Mystika 12 years ago
Oh man, I remembered a question I wanted to ask Magicman for awhile...was wondering what his favourite Final Fantasy game is, since he's a huge FF fan....

DragoonisMystic 12 years ago
Thkz Magicman for all the grand shows and all that u and every has done to make MMOBOMB the best very . Will miss but can keep fingers x that u and the others will return again soon .Hope to run into in some of the games u do play and keep up with from time to time ,and the best to do in your new adventure as well . ;-)

Franky 12 years ago
Thank you Magicman for the great shows. I really liked to here about your thoughts on questions people asked. I hope you'll be back someday ! I'm sure Spunkify will do a great job on the free to play cast and stuff, but we will all miss you Magicman !
Take care ! See you around !

Mystika 12 years ago
I think the line between single player RPGs and MMORPGs needs to be blurred. In both single player and MMO cities, OPEN UP ALL THE DAMN DOORS, or at least provide the ability to unlock doors with keys or even if you aid an NPC somewhere in the city or the world (maybe they're being bashed up by some thugs or they've dropped their shopping and you help them), they'll give you access to their home/shop. If you do a transaction with an NPC merchant by buying something, maybe they'll open up a secret quest with you and say something along the lines of "Psst, mind doing me a favour?" Questing should reward those who take initiative as well as exploration to great heights. Dragon Nest's feature of befriending and getting to know NPCs is good, and I'd also like that to be taken to the next level.

sethsamson 12 years ago
in real life store if u want to buy alcohol cigarette or enter to a club etc u have to show some kinda ID so how about system of verifying someone identifying and age like IRS pages do ???
in USA u have Social Number .. in other countries u have other things ... The project would depend only on the publisher....

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sethsamson 12 years ago
there is something fishy ... Jesica is leaveing no MagicMan ... hmmmm who else ???? ;p

Jellopy 12 years ago
Magic I still like ffxi but haven't played in a few months. I hope they can replicate the class system better with the relaunch of ffxiv. I had a kind of odd combo for ffxi that i was pretty good at. I ran solo as a rdm/war or rdm/mnk through most of the game and it was a lot of fun but it simply did not work in parties so i did rdm/sch rdm/blm rdm/whm sch/rdm sch/whm and sch/blck for a long time before i took up drg and nin and thf with dnc to pair for soloing. Really great game. I hope so badly they will convert ffxi to a free model and update it with hd graphics when xiv relaunches.

Xepo 12 years ago
Sad to see you go. Enjoyed the episode. I believe as far as your idea on questing GW2 did implement it a bit when it came to their random events and world events. I remember many times running up to a town or outpost and having a NPC beckon me over to alert me of something important in the area. I also remember NPCs calling out for help, like a girl stuck in a cave because she fell through a hole and having that start into an escort quest. I do agree it needs to be more a focus in a game. I HATE the (!) and (?) in MMOs... matter fact at times I just skip them all together and go my own way like in Rift with other options to level. Lately I play Skyrim more than MMOs because it has become the "Been there done that" blues.

st1r *aka heebeegeebee* 12 years ago
hey magic man I can say this buddy your computer screen is super super clean +1 if you think so too. thanks for all your work with mmobomb , I enjoy when people share the same dedication to mmo's as a whole hope to see you on the servers one day.... Enjoy your time away hope we hear from ya soon (as a f2p host) spunky spunk welcome sir. im sure you will do a great job keeping us in the know on free to play games

chefmadness 12 years ago
Yo MM Why are u leaving MMOBOMB? I watch the vids on this site just for your discriptive point of views of games.You are way better than spunk & I hope you will come back! Plz respond back & let me know where ur going so i can follow you. MMOBOMB will not be the same with out you.

See u on the servers

xkieth 12 years ago
didn't even answered my question...

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Adrian87 12 years ago
See you on the servers Magicman.

nekodeus 12 years ago
Take care Magicman~

prownage 12 years ago
magicman, i think the kind of questing you're talking about is the same in Elderscrolls online , there is not alot of information about it. but the dev's say'd that if you completed a quest at a npc or city , you would be thanked by the npc/city. evry time you pass.

CranberrySauce 12 years ago
Hey magicman thx for answering my question ,I really agree with your ideal for a within so many meters system would be something new and fun.I also agree that gw2 was a step in the right direction But i also got kinda board with that one after about a month :P Hate to see you go from the site for a bit, but i wish you luck and good gaming in whatever you may be doing.

WHYYYYYYYYYYYY.wmv 12 years ago

NOPE.avi 12 years ago

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