This episode marks the official end of Season One of the Free to Play Cast and our first year during the show!...
Salem First Look Video
Salem is a crafting/gathering based MMO by Paradox Interactive. The game is set is the New World with every player taking on the role of a pilgrim trying to survive and learn all they can as they build their way to a safe and happy life.
To find more about Salem check out the game page which includes more info, user reviews, screenshots and additional videos. Don´t forget to subscribe to MMOBomb YouTube channel.
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4 months ago
No disrespect intended, but if you think the graphics suck, the game is too hard, and you get bored quickly with it, you don't understand or appreciate the true sandbox genre and don't belong in this type of game.
The game is not looking for huge commercial success and the developers aren't catering to mainstream MMO players.
As for salem, I have played it as well, and while it seems good in its own right, I prefer HnH. currently Salem wins by virtue of me actually being able to play it for more than 5 minutes without wanting to rip my own hair out over server performance issues.
As for what others have said about its "unfriendliness", they are absolutely correct, however this is not a "bad" thing, it is merely different, It creates a different set of challenges than what one may be used to and therefore requires a different mindset going into the game. Some will love this, some will hate this.
Both Salem and HnH are not games that will appeal to everyone, And while I can respect that I would encourage all of you to check things out, and try to approach the game with an open mind and embrace new playstyles before casting the game off in contempt. Once you get into the right mindset with the game, it actually becomes quite fun.