S4 League (Season 2) First Look Video

S4 League is a 3D high-quality free to play Third-Person Shooter (MMOTPS) with thousands of international players from all around the world. In many various game mods you will fight together and against them you're your individual fighters.

Find more about S4 League at: https://www.mmobomb.com/review/s4-league and don´t forget to subscribe to MMOBomb YouTube channel.

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Discussion (8)

ChewieFlakes 12 years ago
I remember when S4 was still in closed beta/early release, before there were so many unbalanced weapons, hacks, pay2win items, etc. It actually took skill to play and was FUN. Nowadays it's been ruined.

DeathMoose 13 years ago
S4 is Dead!

banana222 13 years ago
hey now s4 league is now season 3 which is s4 league dark lighting

janluis333 13 years ago
this game is awsome

LordMMO 13 years ago
S4League is bad, and Season 2 made it even worse...

zenyth 13 years ago
stop shouting ffs >.>
i dont recommend s4 is f*** up bcuz of the hackers

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