Rode Online First Look Video

Rise of Dragonian Era (RODE Online) is a free to play 3D fantasy MMORPG featuring engaging story quests, a pet system centered on hatching your own dragon, extensive crafting and much more.

To find more about RODE Online check out the game page which includes more info, user reviews, tons of screenshots, and additional videos. Don´t forget to subscribe to MMOBomb YouTube channel.

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Discussion (15)

james 12 years ago
Just started playing it and it's fun i be playing it for a long time and i highly recommend you try it out.!.

pamela 13 years ago
will be checking this 1 out soon

Forgott3n 13 years ago
In the end melody was actually a Muse - Supermassive Black Hole << song xD

Dantiko 13 years ago
Man, stop insulting the guy, if you think he is a noob and you are saying that to us that means you must also be thinking we are noobs, by not realizing what you meant before you state it, so you shut up, I don't play a game which I don't know if the cash shop will make the game pay to win, also how can you know if he is a GM or no cacalips? Also only noobs do double-posts.

cacalips 13 years ago
Otherthan mentioning the damn game is PvP and GM's are cool. NO ONE has mentioned game play, gear based?, Cash shop gonna breal the game?, PvE content is like? uhh...anything besides its is PvP and GMs? Because GM's dissapear over time, and PvP gets dull. So, the other things are needed to balance this game. And dont reply Sejiro fanboy, we need balanced review of this not a biased fanboy.

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OMJesus 13 years ago
hehe damn this is nice if you want just drop me a message and ill gladly join ya for some PVP in the open beta >:D

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geremiad 13 years ago
hey sejiro im not sure if this game is out yet but when it is message me id love to play with you and the guys that do the free to play cast

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Sejiro 13 years ago
Hey mmobombers,

I hope you enjoy this First Look! I had a blast playing RODE and can't wait for it to complete it's beta testing and go live.

~ Sejiro

Thranik 13 years ago
Great GMS, very help full, fun and other stuff. me and my family are gamers and we've played this and spoken to allot of the gms.

Barizta 13 years ago

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