Renaissance Heroes: Dying in Ages Gone By (BombLive Ep. 22)

This week, another FPS comes up on the docket. Viewers just love to watch Magicman get rocked and this game is no exception. He holds his own in the "American Football" type mode, but how does he fare when combat matters the most? You probably already guessed but watch to find out for sure!

Come enjoy a livestream broadcast on our official Live Stream page every Monday and Wednesday at 2PM PST . Follow us now so you don´t miss the show. Hope to see you there!

BombLive is the official MMOBomb livestream show where viewers get to watch and interact with their favorite MMOBomb hosts! We pick some of the latest free to play games to play with our fans in this full hour live show! Come enjoy a livestream broadcast on our official Live Stream page: every Monday and Wednesday at 2PM PST.

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Discussion (9)

xiondgm 11 years ago
It's not about abitious. It's technology. This is what MMO game need to have. This is why Age of Wushu being popular. It's very attractive to combine PVP and MMO.

sethsamson 12 years ago

magicman .. drink ???

Sliffgod 12 years ago
They game is good but there is alot of bugs here are some known hackers and auto aim bot users in the game

Hoofer, Deltron,CSweat, Thecno and many more

ugurano 12 years ago
yes im looked the game, i see permanent with rl money, its rl garbage, good game but i think pay to win.

your give rl money you win...

i think im load gotham,,

iluvgamez 12 years ago
I played it back in Beta. They did reduce the game speed and nerfd the melee attack speed. No more granades if u pick up ammo. Its like they didnt care about our feedback. still some of the same bugs around. its ok but nothing spezial and the item shop is awsome. 20$ for perma weapon. lol

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FrostSpike 12 years ago
I cant find any reason why would you even consider looking at this game its a fps game 20 years behind in time its like watching doom or quake 1 yust dont put soo low games here its yust pisses on this website :)

ZhaoYun 12 years ago
hahahahha this one was fun but too bad its way too fasted paced for me :(

Azaglor 12 years ago

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