Realm of the Mad God First Look Video

Realm of the Mad God is the first ever cooperative MMO bullet hell shooter. Fight monsters in groups of up to 85 players!

To find more about Realm of the Mad God check out the game page which includes more info, user reviews, tons of screenshots, and additional videos. Don´t forget to subscribe to MMOBomb YouTube channel.

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Discussion (9)

A very handsome guy who likes puppies 12 years ago
Good for Retro gamers, imma try this.. :3

Samuraii 12 years ago
The most epic browser based game ever made, fun, fast, addictive and has cool graphics. Well made game which is fun to play even if you have all classes already, Necromancer rocks! :)

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Dantiko 12 years ago
and the game page?

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Nuro0o 12 years ago
Well its a fun fast game you can play ^^

Stivertsen 12 years ago
Waw how ga.y is it allowed to make a game??????

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