MMOBomb meets up with Turbine the developers behind Infintie Crisis to find out just what makes this Superhero MOBA different from all the others.
MMOBomb interviews Matt Higby, Creative Director for Planetside 2. In the interview we talk about the MMOFPS's future on the next-gen console and what seperates it from its PC counterpart. We also talk about the game's road-map of planned features and potential Oculus Rift integration.
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MMOBomb meets up with Turbine the developers behind Infintie Crisis to find out just what makes this Superhero MOBA different from all the others.
Two bodies, one brain...but does it hold up?
Did it really need to be a sequel? Let's find out!
A Paragon-inspired project actually see the light of day, but can it compete with a crowded field of MOBAs?
"It's a bold strategy, Cotton, let's see if it pays off for 'em"
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