Planetside 2 PS4 Video Interview - E3 2013

MMOBomb interviews Matt Higby, Creative Director for Planetside 2. In the interview we talk about the MMOFPS's future on the next-gen console and what seperates it from its PC counterpart. We also talk about the game's road-map of planned features and potential Oculus Rift integration.

You can keep track of more E3 Free-to-Play news and videos as it comes in by clicking here.

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Discussion (5)

JG Gamer 11 years ago
cant you put planetside 2 FTP on xbox 360 lol

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Jackmang 11 years ago
That smile his making.... it's like he has something up his butt that makes him want to scream but at the same time he has to smile for the camera.

LittleFinger 11 years ago
Finally i will be able to play! my rig wont allow me to play it at all.

nimethay 11 years ago
Good interview!

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