Path of Exile First Look

Path of Exile is a 3D free to play MMO game similar to Diablo set within Wraeclast, a gritty fantasy world filled with monsters and demons. This RPG game is developed by Grinding Gear Games and features a persistent world that is able to receive hundreds of thousands of players.

To find more about Path of Exile check out the game page which includes more info, user reviews, tons of screenshots, and additional videos. Don´t forget to subscribe to MMOBomb YouTube channel.

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Discussion (30)

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ugurano 12 years ago
best game

SyXs 12 years ago

SyX 12 years ago
What got me intrigued was the 7th class(at the skill tree all class are around another), it's not liberated yet but as it's central must be awesome...

Fabio Fleury 12 years ago
Hey mmobomb i need beta key for next beta test in 11/05/2012 - 13/05/2012

ioulios 12 years ago
closed beta tester here lvl 78 and 1 of the best of server :) now quit the game though cause i finished it already in close beta all endgame gears weapons etc...good game but too quick to is very kiddy and lots of gays...another bad thing no pvp...played for 2 months but at the end got bored cya

BooFoo 12 years ago
Hard to get a beta key, the beta invite timer is crap

1 key invite per 5 mins
5 mins x 12 = 1 hr
12 keys x 24hr = 288 beta invites per day

Still haven't received a key. Wtf.......

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Vaes 12 years ago
I was going nuts with the low hp telling myself

Swedish Tavern 12 years ago is the place :)

Check out there support page if you want a beta right away ^^

heya 12 years ago
you suck at this game!

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Dizzyjay 12 years ago
Cool I ll sign up and see if I get a key, I miss the old days of diablo 2. :)

Unknown 12 years ago
Looks like a good game ill try it out for sure tks for the review magicman hope it will go out to open beta soon

Beastrolami 12 years ago
Great looking game and great first look.... loved seeing magicman getting pwned because its nice to know that even professionals can choke sometimes.

anotherlamegame 12 years ago
I played this game in both betas and it sux.

first off there are only 4 stages, after you complete a series of story quest that last only about 2 hours time and is completely soloable you end up starting over again and again the monsters may get tougher but it becomes more about farming gear and gems while grinding levels than about fighting bosses and exploring there is no replay value.

second once you reach the max level cap and finish the 4th repeated zone you basically are done there is just a series of looping zones with clusters of monsters thats meaningless to fight

third the drops are so totally random you can get a better drop off a low level peon in the first zone than the epic boss in the last zone which makes no sense.

fourth the dungeons are all too easy and too short, 15 minutes to pass ANY dungeon solo and that's if you farm it out and completely clear it, less than 4 minutes if you know the path (which you will after the 2nd repeat).

This game feels more like it belongs on Facebook its so horrible and I wouldn't touch it if they paid me to play it.

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Jayme 12 years ago
as i play both of diablo III and poe beta i think diablo III is not diablo any more :its the mutied baby for diablo 2:(
for path of exile its diablo2 with finalfantsy 10 skill tree amazing game you should give it a try :)

Warofhelll 12 years ago
nice game i go play after firefall i have key nou im lvl 11 its zo coooool

Uthdetharu 12 years ago
man, I wish that beta keys were available, I can't find any...anywhere.

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thepen1832 12 years ago
great first look....looks like a grind feast but a good game

SteamChaos 12 years ago
I swear we already had a first look for this game at the site..In fact so much so I would swear you already did this a long time ago.

Arin 12 years ago
if anyone please have a key for this game, please send to my email

SkaterFreak 12 years ago
Could someone please link the site or anything related?

Glo 12 years ago
you and me both i want to try the beta to at the very least to get a taste of it to see if i will enjoy it

phonz 12 years ago
Played PoE during the Public Stress Test, and I was really impressed by it.
The skill web is HUGE, which I love because it allows you to customize your characters skills/gameplay how you want it.

I'm really looking forward to the official release.

draken 12 years ago
I'll prefer Diablo III :D

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