This week on Bomblive, Spunkify marches into battle in the new and completely free FPS-RTS hybrid Renegade: X.
Nosgoth is an asymmetrical PvP arena title set in the Legacy of Kain universe and developed by Psyonix Studios. In Nosgoth, players fight for control over the city as either Humans or Vampires. Humans are weak at close range, but posses deadly long range weaponry while the Vampires must use their agility to close in fast for close range kills. Choose from multiple classes on each side with customizable loadouts and abilities.
To find more about Nosgoth check out the game page which includes more info, user reviews, screenshots and additional videos. Don´t forget to subscribe to MMOBomb YouTube channel.
This week on Bomblive, Spunkify marches into battle in the new and completely free FPS-RTS hybrid Renegade: X.
Lots of rumors and a VERY busy release week next week. Let's cover it!
We knew it wasn't going to do much new, but is it worth playing at all?
Was the wait for this troubled title worth it?
Did it really need to be a sequel? Let's find out!
and i asked a quastion why i didn't go the chance and i was like from this day from the day i signed in the beta when i heard it was way to far time that i don't remember and we are like 2014 and i got banned then i saw the reason why the set the reason was "Abuse Trolling" WTF ?! i said to myself oky i will wait to the open beta and i will never trust to SqureEnix idk when did Spunkfie signed in all i know is my friend that got signed in in 2014 and i signed in in 2013 he is in same city same country with me and he got the key and asked me wheres mine ? i said well i don't know i checked every week my email all i get is a squreEnix Sales for there games and that's why i signed for the beta ? really ? guys i signed for see your sale's not mine qeue to the game or key ? wow tnx alot and well i'm happy i'm not trying to hear of this game cuz all the beta's games i signed i got the keys and if there was problem the devs sended me sry latter and they are sending me some sale's .... IDK IF SOMEONE WILL READ BUT TNX FOR REPLAYING...
and i did like 20 acounts to sign in and i didn't got at least 1 key :D
The dev are not very nice people in this game :D
i got alot beta invites like Dead Island :ED Loadout Skyrim Elder scolls online Dota 2 Strife infintie crisis are they ignore me or what ? i need answer why i didn't got 1 key ? :(