Neverwinter Cloak Tower Dungeon - Gameplay Action HD

During an exclusive closed beta, Spunkify was invited to check out Neverwinter's first major dungeon available called The Cloak Tower. Watch as he fights off hordes of brutish Orcs with flashes of steel from his rogue's deadly blades. The video offers some insight into the games dungeon mechanics while showing off player parties and companions!

To find more about Neverwinter check out the game page which includes more info, user reviews, tons of screenshots, and additional videos. Don´t forget to subscribe to MMOBomb YouTube channel.

In our Gameplay Action video series we revisit our favorite free to play MMORPG and MMO games checking out new updates, events, or just having fun! Count also with walktroughs, guides and much more.

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Discussion (24)

Zariarn 12 years ago
Dungeons and Dragons Online has a great DnD feel.

Zariarn 12 years ago
The game visually looks good but I fear the hack n slash will just get old.

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ugurano 12 years ago
founder pack 1 its rl sucked 200 dolar, 1 key??

this is rl fail

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IraaFW 12 years ago
Wish i had the money for founders pack :( but have been dealing with real life issues and an injury x.x this game looks so fun

Vitriks 12 years ago
Is there any combos system in the game?

chefmadness 12 years ago
Cookie cutter classes & only 5 powers. What happend to the NEVERWINTER series & D&D in general. First i would like to say that they took out multiclassing! That is what D&D is all about! Then your trying to tell me as a 16th lev cleric i would hav only 5 powers to choose from & no spell slots & hot bars with my spells per day on it. The game looks cool But you CAN NOT CALL IT D&D NEVERWINTER! This ruins the whole D&D true experience for me They should call the game something else! But not D&D neverwinter or include it in the neverwinter series, I think DDO will still be a better D&D game overall for true D&D players.

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ZhaoYun 12 years ago
spin around while throwing knifes?o.O sounds like kat from league :P

anyways i've said it before i will say it again seems interesting hope its not p2w i will try it

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Eviil 12 years ago
This gameplay looks great compared to Neverwinter themselves showing how they were demonstrating each class an what their skills are.

NOPE.avi 12 years ago
Guess what?I WON'T SAY IT!
P.S: Zhao Yun( or something like that) is idiot.

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