Mythos Global First Look Video

Mythos Global is a free to play 3D fantasy MMORPG set in the land of Uld. Mythos brings the highly successful "Hack-and-Slash" formula to an action-packed online RPG.

To find more about Mythos Global check out the game page which includes more info, user reviews, tons of screenshots, and additional videos. Don´t forget to subscribe to MMOBomb YouTube channel.

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Discussion (5)

clive 13 years ago
Elaraki, I think there's an instruction in their website about that kind of problem. You can fix some of the configurations by following it. Or you could try using Internet Explorer to launch it.

InTraining 13 years ago
Game was surprisingly boring, and I've already decided that I will not be playing this game. TBH, it made me wish that D3 and Torchlight 2 would just hurry up.. It also didn't help that none of the cash shop items were permanent, who wants to buy expiring back packs?

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James 13 years ago
idk the game look good but this is T3Fun that mean no support no new content just cashshop limeted item

ELARAKi 13 years ago
Can someone help me mythos wont start for me when i click Start game is sais something in chinease and i all i can do is click ok

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