MMOBomb Top 5: Top 5 F2P Game Closures You Totally Saw Coming!

Welcome to our test pilot of MMOBomb Top 5! A show where we put forward crazy, silly, and sometimes deadly serious Top 5 lists in the world of free-to-play gaming. Being a test pilot assets aren't locked in place and format may change...but ONLY if YOU MMOBombers want to see more of this content! Let us know your thoughts below!

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Discussion (15)

Cappie 8 years ago
Auto Assault ... RIP :'(

Curst 8 years ago
Should have picked ASTA instead of Scarlet Blade IMO. Scarlet Blade did much better than what sceptics/haters predicted and it closed for a different reason from what was predicted. ASTA on the other hand was a disaster everyone (except for Webzen apparently) saw coming from day one and it turned out exactly the way everone expected.

Hellsworth 8 years ago
*Thumbs up guys* :)
All you devs out there take 10m and put more atention into this.
As for top fives, a few posts back I mentioned something about a Micro Transaction Store Top 10, and while I know it's not easy to come up with because you'd need to play the games to certain extents to really appraise what goes on in the store, I still believe the kind of competition between publishers that that would generate in a mass scale (where a publisher could brag "Our store is better for the player!") would actually be good for everyone, and thus I still hope it comes up at some point! I believe that should be the main focus of devs and publishers in the future because if you want to bring MORE players into the "microtransaction world" you need to get rid of the "monster " that microtranstion has become in a way!

ElusiveXTreasure 8 years ago
Really enjoyed the show, hope to see more! My idea: the top 5 non-fantasy mmorpgs.

JustRandomGamer 8 years ago
People keep forgetting that "free to play" games need to earn money so the game could be up at all. Without any payment it would just be charity lol pay to win options should just cost much more than cosmetics n other stuff

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PowerPro 8 years ago
You got a choice to pick for a MMO game as a player.
A. Pay to win to be famous on the leader board .
B. Leave MMO Games alone permanently
Take or leave the choices are up to you MMO player. (Causal or hardcore)

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tolshortte 8 years ago
id like to see the top 5 mmos the mmobomb hosts are currently playing.

I like the show idea, looking forward to more

fromheelll 8 years ago
Wizard Wars was kind of unfortunate, but not surprising at all, MagickaMagicka2 are one of those games that most people have good things to say about, but You never find anyone who actually still plays them.
I liked the game, but I don't remember the game ever getting a solid player base, Maybe the controls were too complex for a moba-ish game, and pushed people away, but for whatever reason the game seemed to be doomed from the start.

Ghestly 8 years ago
Really enjoyed this kind of show, in my opinion shows format was not bad at all! :) keep it going... please? :D

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