This week on Free to Play Weekly, Snail Games announced the beginning of the beta as well as the release date for their upcoming MMORPG Age of Wushu, Wizardry Online is moving closer to release, the first trailer for the upcomin...
MechWarrior Online is a new Free to Play Mech simulation game published by Piranha Games. In Mechwarrior online players assume the role as a mechwarrior and pilot a large hulking mass of metal and weaponry.
To find more about MechWarrior Online check out the game page which includes more info, user reviews, tons of screenshots, and additional videos. Don´t forget to subscribe to MMOBomb YouTube channel.
This week on Free to Play Weekly, Snail Games announced the beginning of the beta as well as the release date for their upcoming MMORPG Age of Wushu, Wizardry Online is moving closer to release, the first trailer for the upcomin...
We knew it wasn't going to do much new, but is it worth playing at all?
Let's give you a quick peek at what Marvel Rivals has in store. First Look coming at launch!
Strip the dungeons out of an MMORPG and just play those.
It's put itself in like with Warframe, but can it compete?
Secondly, founder's 'Mechs aren't really superMechs, their combat capabilities aren't different from normal 'Mechs. They get more C-Bills after each battle and have different skins, that's all.
Thirdly, AC10 = AutoCannon 10 (10 is caliber), PPC = Particle Projection Cannon.
Fourthly, great first look. I liked it alot better than your previous first looks becaouse you've been more talking about game features and less about what you're currently doing.
The game caters highly towards fans of the previous game or those interested in the boardgame, or generally mech loving players. If one has played the previous games before they would probably feel quite at home with this game as the controls are quite similar to those games, but for the first timers coming in, the lack of a tutorial teaching them how to effectively pilot the mech and setting the weapons into groups would be a big turn off (like our friend montiblanc - which i would also like to say that mmos aren't quite the type of games for casual players not looking to invest their time and life into such games).
As a player playing without friends in the game and getting slotted into random teams, it will definitely turn out like as mentioned n the above comment, where facing off a team of organized players/friends will likely result in your mech being turned into salvage when you run off alone into 3-4 enemy mechs. Stick with other mechs bigger than yours or stay in groups, and try to coordinate with your fellow pilots. Take some time to read up on the game or to learn the basics of the game before striding into the game without any experience and then feel frustrated that it's not the twitch based mech game you'd imagine it to be (like Hawken, kinda looking forward to that too).
If you're really interested in the game then you could always do some reading up on the official site: www.mwomercs.com and learn up on the types of mechs and control (or just do some basic reading to have an idea of what you're doing). While playing online against other skilled players in their premade teams would be the biggest hurdle unless you get used to dying, you can always visit mektek.com or google 'Mechwarrior 4 free download' to play the closest iteration to the game against the AI first, which was made free not too long ago.
If you've read until here, i hope i didn't bore you or waste your time, and if i did, you probably made the wrong decision reading something you highly disagreed with or disapproved of. The game looks absolutely great (compared to Mechwarrior 4, in my opinion at least) and plays just right, either as a hit and run light mech (almost hawken-like) or a slower lumbering giant, or in between. Hope you guys have fun playing the game or any other games you like.
Terrible game only for hardcore mechwarrior fans who play in premade groups with teamspeak. go try it for 3 days and you will understand just how bad this game is its complete garbage and is no place for casual players, join game & under 5 minutes your whole team is dead all day everyday, no balance nothing, piss poor boring gameplay, pathetic excuse for mechs that aircraft and armored vehicles with the same tech would whoop these trash junk heaps, i mean comon these mechs feel obsolete! If you are really into trying to find a mech game just wait for hawken and exteel 2 which is under development atm. But all in all STAY AWAY FROM THIS RUBBISH GAME
thank you for you time to read if you did