MapleStory 2 - Gameplay First Look

MapleStory 2, Nexon's follow-up to its smash hit Free MMORPG, is finally here! Like its predecessor, it's cute as can be, offering a lot for MMORPG players, new and old, to enjoy.

To find out more about MapleStory 2, check out the game page which includes more info, user reviews, screenshots and additional videos. Don´t forget to subscribe to MMOBomb YouTube channel.

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Discussion (5)

Rundundukas 6 years ago
Dont like this game ... its too strange too chaotic, no main theme.

FTK 6 years ago
Sad when they say GLOBAL its not actually released to everyone

rickshaw 6 years ago
good to see thanks for the first look we need a lot more them :)
I know its isn't easy but always look forward to review vids

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justarandomdude 6 years ago
Been a lot of fun so far for me as a casual player. I'm just worried that Nexon, like with most of its other games in the past, will slowly but surely add more invasive micro-transactions. So far It has only affected cosmetics and some non-P2W bonuses for Premium Club members so that's good.

In the end though, they're a publicly-traded company and are obligated by their shareholders to maximize profits... well just have to see in what form they decide to do that.

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