Maestia First Look

Maestia is a free to play 3D fantasy MMORPG, following a story about the eternal quest for power and righteousness. Players are able to join Instance Dungeons, fight in battles that involve both guilds and factions.

To find more about Maestia check out the game page which includes more info, user reviews, tons of screenshots, and additional videos. Don´t forget to subscribe to MMOBomb YouTube channel.

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Discussion (12)

Oscar Mejia 12 years ago
OMG magicman ! I love all your reviews , you dont studder and get straight to the point! Im gonna go download this game right now :D!

Sarah 12 years ago
so how does one go about trying this game out?

xBryce 12 years ago
Yeah, I remember trying this game out when the closed beta launched. Honestly, it really was a bit of a change. I can't really explain why I think that, but I can say that I played this game a little longer than what I play other new/beta MMO's. I say try it out just for that fact that it is somewhat enjoyable. The leveling is fast enough to where you can get a taste of the game without wasting too much time if you decide that it's not for you. I may actually pick it back up since open beta and see if it's changed much since cb.

And I also want to give a big Thank You to Magicman and everyone else that does First Looks and The F2P Cast/Weekley. ( Ha, you guys save me a lot of time in testing out games just to see if I'll like them somewhat. )

-xBryce (aka) LucidPixel

gdac250 12 years ago
I didn't necessarily mean I wanted them to be exactly like IGN. I meant, that I wouldn't be surprised if mmo bomb became a major journalist company.And hopefully if the same people are in charge of mmo bomb, they wouldn't do anything foolish on their forums like the ones you listed cacalips.

DragoonisMystic 12 years ago
nice job MagicMan may have to give it whirl I

father694 12 years ago
saw the first look and it looks like something i might be trying out i don't post much comments to lazy i guess but yeah thanx to your guys and gals on the reviews i get to play more games ill see u peeps in there latz

gdac250 12 years ago
First!!!!! Lol i'm just kidding ,but in all honesty this game doesn't look at that, i'm thinking about trying this game out. And good work guys, I know I sound like a kiss up but you guys are really good at what you do. I wouldn't be surprised if you guys became a major journalist company like IGN. But yeah like I said keep up the good reviews and first looks. :)

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