Luna Online Reborn - Gameplay First Look

Were you upset when Luna Online and Luna Plus went away? Now SubaGames has your back with Luna Online Reborn. The free-to-play title reworks a few gripes from Luna Plus and intends to add RvR PvP and Castle sieges but class customization is still as expansive as ever. You pick one of three classes to start with but so many options open up from there.

P.S. We still have Closed Beta keys available here.

To find out more about Luna Online Reborn, check out the game page which includes more info, user reviews, screenshots and additional videos. Don´t forget to subscribe to MMOBomb YouTube channel.

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Discussion (5)

Risea 8 years ago
in one word? boring

Za'Muro 8 years ago
still waiting for a game not for 9 year olds

Mewtwo 8 years ago
Welp, I give this game a few days before it starts dying like every other game it brought back.

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