This week on Free to Play Weekly, Everquest free-to-play is live, Vanguard is going free-to-play, Command & Conquer: Tiberium Alliances open beta begins, Digimon Masters Launches new update, End of Nations open beta, Lucent Hear...
In Episode 5 of League of Legends Champions, Shadee takes a look at Lulu, the little support champion! With an awesome skillset and varying abilities, Lulu requires you to be on your toes at all times. So pack up your fairies and bring them along to explore the newest support in League of Legends!
League of Legends Champions is a show about the popular moba game League of Legends (LoL), featuring the League of Legends Champions with plenty of videos, tips, strategies, guides, reviews, secrets, gameplay, stuff for beginners/pros, and much more.
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This week on Free to Play Weekly, Everquest free-to-play is live, Vanguard is going free-to-play, Command & Conquer: Tiberium Alliances open beta begins, Digimon Masters Launches new update, End of Nations open beta, Lucent Hear...
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So I'll let people know the way I play her. First of all I just want to say I have been playing league since they had only like 15-20 champions so I know my LoL, not playing in tournament but I can play hehe. The way you play her in that video, you should go for a hybrid build, little more ap then ad so that way you can still support and do some decent damage with your skills but at the same time you can stay behind fights and attack ennemy champions with your melee that will deal enought damage to support your team in team fight with some more damage while your skills are on cooldown. Since you play her the more aggressive way you would benefit from it since I can see you initiated a lot versus Ez and Janna. The build you are using (the gold per 5/10) is a support build made to stay behind your lanemate and shield, buff and let him farm while you get gold with your items. It's not bad I use it most of the time, but in a normal game I prefer going with a more nuke/burst build that with lots of ap core items like rod of age if you don't want to get focused and disappear instantly, sometimes I even go with guinso rageblade since it gives me extra ap and ad while giving me bonus atk speed when attacking a target continiously, with pix helps, you will deal some pretty decent melee dmg on the target which is never a bad thing. It also helps you to harass in lanes without wasting mp for skills and keeping them for fights.
I could go on and on about different builds you can use on her because like I said she can be EVRYTHING. She is my new favorite support champion, before it was soraka but now I know she will be forgotten because Lulu is here.
The only thing she doesn't do is heal, but even without this you can save your whole team lives, with all the buffs she has and the debuff she has for the other team. I mean 80% slow, were almost talking about a stun here. I say play a lot of games with her, experiment with the different builds, make a build (more ap, ad, support or even hybrid build) that suit yourself and also depending on the other team try adjusting it to counter them if you see someone is raping your team.
Alright I will stop here otherwise it will become a tl:dr post hehe anyway good luck and have fun playing LoL.
You will get mature teams that will try to help you instead of spitting on you when you are having a hard time in the game, but most of the time they will just all jump you like predators. But keep in mind that most of the time these person fail themselves in many games prior to the one you are playing. So it's kinda like a vicious circle, newbies gets insulted by the more experienced players, then when they become experienced, they often start insulting the newbies ... Yeah it sucks.. but it's what competitive online games is.
My best tip to that, try not to freak out and insult the person back because that makes you as dumb as him/her. If nothing stops it there is that magical bubble next to the players scores when you press TAB in game, click it and voila !