League of Legends Champions: Last Hitting/Farming Guide (Ep.04)

In episode 4 of League of Legends Champions, Shadee teaches the basics of last hitting, or "farming" in League of Legends (LoL). Farming is a core part of the game, practiced by beginners and pros alike. Break out your hoes and shovels, it's time to start farming!

Learn about:
- Last hitting minions is key in League of Legends
- What is Last Hitting/Farming
- Why should you last hit?
- How to last hit/Farming in League of Legends
- Last Hitting tips and tactics

League of Legends Champions is a show about the popular moba game League of Legends (LoL), featuring the League of Legends Champions with plenty of videos, tips, strategies, guides, reviews, secrets, gameplay, stuff for beginners/pros, and much more.

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Discussion (12)

Peter 12 years ago
A very nice tut. I can play a lot better now. Thanx

bvcbcvb 12 years ago
LoL can make you Dumb denying Ally creeps

Seraphboy 12 years ago
last hitting is only really good when your solo lanning doesnt work to good if you have another good last hitter with you, only good if the other guy isnt so good or... your just that good at last hitting creeps, not to mention a good long range like caitlyn can mess you up good at farming if not played carefully...

akimbos 12 years ago
Last hit is for stealers

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meowmeow 12 years ago
bahahaha LoL is not complex. DOTA 1/2 is complex and its clone HoN.
and if you disagree then you need to get better and lear the meta game.

but this is good video for those new to the game that want to start getting into good habbit of last hitting to keep the minions where you want them so the numpty on the other team over extends.

Vhigdo 12 years ago
Oh I play LoL, I'm just saying your all a little late to the party with the newbie tips. Watching live streams of the pros is where it's at now for learning.

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Xanxus 12 years ago
Well Sion Mob killings is important and also you could have said last hiting mobs with Nassus q is granting the abilty 3 bonus damage => Z mob kills with q = Zx3 bonus damage on it :)
Its easy to farm with AD champs , they have high auto attack damage , but for casters its a bit harder if you are not with blue or not Veigar :D
Still another not bad guide , but for people playing the game i dont think it is that new or needed :)

Vhigdo 12 years ago
Why is mmobomb doing these videos now... the game has been out forever and there are many other videos to watch that are more informative.

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