League of Legends Champions: Fiora Review & Guide

In Episode 1 of League of Legends Champions, Shadee takes a look at the newly released champion Fiora! Not only is she a great new addition to the League lineup, she draws a Teemo face with her sword! So strap in your rapiers, and lunge into action to find out if Fiora is worth your 6300 IP.

League of Legends Champions is a show about the popular moba game League of Legends (LoL), featuring the League of Legends Champions with plenty of videos, tips, strategies, guides, reviews, secrets, gameplay, stuff for beginners/pros, and much more.

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Discussion (14)

BOMX 11 years ago
Fiora he so OP

Mike 13 years ago
Fiora OP? =)) I dominated her top with Teemo, Irelia, Yorick, Wukong, Ryze, Swain, Kennen, Udyr, jsut to name a few. Just ignore her when she parries for like 1 second, walk away when she uses her E, since she has no form of CC during lane phase, and then retaliate in her face and watch her cry without having any way to do decent dmg herself untill cds are back. Ande she has quite long cds. Also her pasive is so weak early lvls its barely noticeable, and later lvls it doesn't really matter as much. Just don't trade hits with her in a dumb way, if you go charging in her parry and take her entire E in the face, than yes you may scream OP.

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Xanxus 13 years ago
Well its a very nice hero , i dont find it that op , yes the attack speed seem so op , but somehow its easy blockable with bits of armor and all .
Well the hero have good and bad sides .
This is the first hero with good idea for skills and all .
Also this is the first hero that have worst animation and very bad model , her movement and all is so bad made .
As for the movie its good , in this movies its always shown the strong side of a hero , but still the movie is well made :)

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maula 13 years ago
Fiora is too op. but that guide blows in my opinion

Xsodus 13 years ago
shes op i have her too ... shes yi on drugs ...so are they planning to remove yi or what ? lame imo

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tutugah 13 years ago
Hi. I don't want to be mean or anything and i am looking forward to see you're next episode but excluding the last 3 minutes all you did sounded like "champion sneak peak" from lol official site... and i personally think that theirs review is better. However i really enjoyed the last part, but i will love to see something different in the next episode or at leat try to not use the same footage over and over again.

Dizzyjay 13 years ago
I have her too, but I just think she is a bit OP. Now Master yi is screwed basically. LOL!!! I tried a Critical Dps tank build, and I could not die basically. I have notice some times her ultimate's damage doesn't register or something, I don't know if its intentional or a bug. Anyways I like this hero, but just feel shes a bit OP at times.

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