Kartuga First Look Video

Kartuga is a 3D pirate themed MMO developed by Innogames which has players piloting a pirate ship across perilous seas. Players have the opportunity to choose from 3 ship types which they can level up and spend skill points on in order to customize their ships abilities. The game features interesting combat mechanics which sees players using different cannons and ammo types to control their ship's style of attack. The game offers open world PvE exploration as well as two PvP modes which incorporate interesting mechanics that tie in the overall naval theme.

To find more about Kartuga check out the game page which includes more info, user reviews, screenshots and additional videos. Don´t forget to subscribe to MMOBomb YouTube channel.

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Discussion (9)

ExHuman 11 years ago
Nice game! I have a lot of fun with it !
ill post some intersessions
Gameplay is fantastic. Its real action combat. Aiming, timing, skill selection - everything matters.
Game features 3 classes (offense, deference, support) and all imaginable ships, cannons, ammo etc
pvp is challenging and competitive, it encourages deep coordination of efforts to win.
pve is more than decent; u have vast seas and oceans to explore and conquer, nice set of seascape types to serve as arena of your battles. No mob grinding - the storyline quest will send u in all-over-the World travel. allso u can do sideways quests every 20min.
cant tell about p2w features if they are present - haven't reached lvl cap yet. but u have some amount of rubin currency from the beginning so better save it 4 end game if u plan to do it.
As a conclusion: if u like pirate theme - u gonna defiantly enjoy it.

Amanoh 11 years ago
Today i have play and it looks fine untill i reallice it is a shit of game it doesn´t matter is a beta, because i cannot see description of items and abilities is only browser gameand more...is good the idea but seems like it need a lot more time, and i dont wanna play and unfinish game by now , i got more important things to do to be honest.

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Ayhan 11 years ago
Nice game but still Pirates of the burning sea is the best pirate mmo for me

iluvgamez 12 years ago
Your idea of " jumping on the other ship and starting swordfights" would be pretty epic if someone would done a game like that, spunky. Mabye some of you guys remember Pirates or Pirates Gold! on Amiga? That was an epic game. Take that game and make it online and there ya go.

Adrian87 12 years ago
Good first look Spunky. Although i do agree with you on most parts and the F2P model looks somewhat fair, there are some parts that look worrying. First is the 5th crew member, that (at least in shipyard) can only be unlocked by gems. Also after unlocking with gems, purchasing him is also only with gems, higher level more gems. Not very surprising to be honest the attribute of that crew member is increasing damage of the ship.
Also the prices on ammo and consumables look really high in my opinion. I can definitely understand that someone that pays (as long as is got the level for it) can basically buy anything since gems can also replace gold and ship part. I'm ok with farming for a little in exchange for free, but those prices seem kinda high in my opinion. And i might not remember this right, but i think there was also an upgrade with those gems to increase the max gold you can carry. That of course makes be believe that max gold might be an issue latter on.
Of course is beta things might change, and most of it's F2P model looked okay for me, except those parts mentioned.
Again, good first look. Keep 'em coming.

Yep.mp3 12 years ago

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