On this episode of BombLive Magicman plays Tribes: Ascend.
On this week's show, Magicman tackles the tough question of innovation in MMOs, talks about his feelings a bit and Anime games, and braves a very strong wind to record another outdoor episode!
Ask MMOBomb is an MMOBomb.com weekly exclusive where we answer questions from our viewers. While questions should be Free to Play games related, they don't always HAVE to be if you question is something we think viewers REALLY want to know. So feel free to ask anything you want! Questions are chosen from YouTube, Facebook and our website comments on the previous episodes, and emails sent to magicman@mmobomb.com. Get those questions ready and let's have some fun!
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On this episode of BombLive Magicman plays Tribes: Ascend.
A Paragon-inspired project actually see the light of day, but can it compete with a crowded field of MOBAs?
NCSoft and Amazon Games bring the F2P MMORPG to a global audience, but will they like it?
Let's give you a quick peek at what Marvel Rivals has in store. First Look coming at launch!
We knew it wasn't going to do much new, but is it worth playing at all?
I agree on this with you magicman, completely. I play all sorts of genres, mostly mmos for 16 years now and im not impressed with the way mmo world been developing lately... its a disaster in my eyes, something needs to be done and soon or we won't be able to dig ourselves out of this mess again.
* How about asking the publisher of the game you want to re-review to provide u with high lvl character so that u can review new features? i don't think that will be a problem for them after all its them who will benefit from it in the end if ur review will be positive, shouldn't be problem to provide u with a high lvl char for a day or two and then delete it when u done right?
* Ha, take a look at how long blade and soul been in development now.. and ppl still drool over it anyway, because it looks simply bad-ass that is why ppl will wait as long as it takes for it, no mater what. So yeah, what im trying to say is if the game looks like it deserve it, we will wait for it as long as necessary.
* Agree with virtual reality thing, i think thats what most veterans dream about, we simply tired of all the old stuff and want something completely new, and that would only be virtual reality. Which.. most of us won't see, ever.
* I don't think innovation is problematic to produce (take an rpg and compare it to mmorpg, the difference will in 90% of the time be miles with huge plus to rpg side) the problem lies deeper, the problem is.. with what majority of gamers want, and i don't think its innovation, basically i think the next generation of gamers is.. quite plainly.. way dumber than the previous generation, games are being simplified to no end to meet those dumbies demands, turned into boring grinders with no kick to them at all, i think that is our problem. After all i don't think any company will make someth that won't sell.. right? and what will sell? obviously that which has the most demand.
Guild Wars 2 .... the game is just like ice-cream with sausage mix together
MMO innovate .... hmm i hate doing the same things every single mmo ... like Tera , Aoin for exp ... killing half inch squishy ferret-rats ... and if it is something bigger i need a team ... that's way i hope Elder scroll online will be kept in the same limits as skyrim
and btw do you have any news regarding it? It's been almost 2 months since I last heard news from ncsoft, which is short when compared to how long I've been wanting and waiting to play this game.
Will there still be people interested in playing this? (well of course there will)
You've discussed how titles that fail to meet their "deadlines" (release dates)
could suffer from people just being disinterested or dissatisfied with the game because of the long
wait and the numerous other titles coming out in the span of time before its release.
Some people say it's just an anime version of aion. Some people give it high acclaim for its stunning graphics, gameplay, and innovations. What do you guys think?
And could there still be a possibility that it may adapt a B2P or sub model?
I'm looking forward to when somebody releases Tiara Concerto and Langrisser Schwarz someday, and also the english version of Phantasy Star Online 2 later. Keep an eye on these games.
I for one am still amazed by DC Universe Online. So far it's like no other mmo I've played.
So I'm just going to point out a few things.
First they created a role to be added to the usual tank heal dps which is the controller. His job is to replenish mana and crowd control. It's fun, I play it a lot :D
Second. The weapons. They are just great. They all have their combos with different effects that makes PvP really interesting because you need skill to kill someone more than you need gear.
I'd also like to point out the overall mechanics of the game. It's the first game in which I roll a healer. No role is just stand and do something. You need to keep using your weapons, getting your hits so you can keep up, and it becomes quite a challenge when fighting bosses with different mechanics and you need to know how to position yourself to heal efficiently, do some damage and keep up with mana while also avoiding boss skills.
The customization system is also inovative and I wish more games had it like this.
Basically every piece of equipment you ever wear remains stored in your styles tab. And you can then pick your style for each and every piece at any time.
This is the big one I have.
But more innovation I'd like to point out
Aion. One of the first chain skill mmos. And with the skill tree where you can branch out in different combos or get lucky to proc some other skill, that's pretty rare if not unique.
And the fact that you don't need all of them bound to the hotbar. The fact that the button appears in the center of your screen when abilities become available like abilities that can only be used when you dodge or when your enemy dodges. That's really useful.
So I don't think innovation is dead as I just keep finding small things in each in every game that are innovative when you think about it and eventually say "Man I love this feature I wish the other game had it too"
also i would like to ask u if u guys have any shows that u are "preparing" to launch on mmobomb.com soon and by shows ofc i mean shows like ask mmobomb f2p cast mmobomb live and so on
True, I bought Founder's Package for MechWarrior Online, but at least they keep their promise. I have known their team for quite a while. So I already know what I will get even if I didn't get beta access and I knew they will come out well. With games that people don't know.... it tends to be on real thin ice.
If game company wants funds for their game before beta is even available, then they should stick to "Kickstart" program and leave founder's package AFTER beta was available.
As for game development time. That is a debate that can go on and on. Look at Infinity: Search for Earth. The initial development was done by 1 or 2 people, and its been going on for 3 years or more. Which is understandable based on his goal. So for a game of that scale and based on what he had in mind. I can understand why he would do it solo for several years before he even took up more people into his development. That game I am looking forward to.
Btw, Magicman, you might want to turn off auto focus on your camera, it tries to focus to background and when you do hand movement to express yourself then it gets out of focus to the point that YOU become a blur image ;P
My question is related to sandbox mmos, What's your opionion on them? How they should be made to atract more ppl. Is it something all the companys do that doesn't appeal? Is it the game style, or maybe the "end game" [there's no such things in sandbox mmo but you get my point] that doesn't seem appealing? Wich one you think has all the good perks to be the best sandbox mmo?
And another question, what mmos you play and what servers? Would love to round up and have some fun.
I totally agree with you on WildStar. Carbine has told us that the Closed Beta will begin early 2013, that's about it, so that gives us a little hope. Let's just hope they don't drag the Closed Beta as well.
Point and click movement is a nightmare. WASD is definitely the most convenient.
Thanks for show!
Some of PoE tweets:
Path of Exile @pathofexile
Our site is down. We will have it up on another server very soon. Our host suggests we're being DDOSed but I don't believe it yet.
Path of Exile @pathofexile
The Path of Exile site will be up soon. Our host's DDOS protection keeps kicking in as people attack it, which takes the site offline.
Path of Exile @pathofexile
@Sammosapian We were sent packet logs from our host - it's definitely a DDOS.
Now I wanna ask somewhat a similar question. What's your opinion of kickstarter (and other similar) games?
About innovation and somewhat related to the previous question, are you willing to pay for a game (that innovates) that you'd get the moment or shortly after paying (like the game's from kickstarter), or will you wait for it to be free or offered elsewhere by another game as free from the get go?
question: Do you feel the role play part of mmorpgs is neglected. i personally feel they should try and revitalize it something more akin to the pen and paper d20 games of yore. that caused all those fear propaganda after school specials (which were funny in their utter in accuracy).
GW2 is good game to play from 1 to 80, and 2 weeks after.. end game *****.. really *****...
The game industry is shooting in it's own leg making half games and trying to sale the full experience, selling cosmetics-etc..works good, look at lol..
There are too many games getting out, not all are mmos, but all have a very short (non-grinding) game-play. there is nothing to look forward to, you make 2-3 quests and the rest is the same, where are the jokes and secret places, the challenges that took you hours to do, not because they where impossible but because you actually had to think or to have some skill to pass them, where you had to think about the progression of your character and combine the right skills at the right moment with the right gear, where the more complicated the character is, the better chance you'll have to make him stronger, unlike the hack and slash warriors of modern mmos..
About the second question. Same like, probably most of us, i do not agree with the pay for beta access deal. I do not have anything to add there.
But i do wanna add that i consider that very okay for the games founded by the community, from kickstarted or other sites like that. In those cases since the game was founded by the community early access is a big plus. I know you were not referring to those situations, but just trowing it out there. I tend to like this community founded games more and more, simply because the input that players give is not wasted. The devs listen to the community and try to implement what ideas seem good, or at least what is possible. That does happen sometimes in the other games, but not often enough imo. It just gives you a good feel to know your opinion matters.
Development hell reminds me of a number of games, a big one being Final Fantasy Versus XIII on the PS3, and to a lesser extent Kingdom Hearts III, which a lot of people have pretty much given up hope on.
Also agree with the innovation stuff. No one ever appreciates innovation, even when small amounts are done. The masses are generally a bunch of naysayers unfortunately, who pick on every small thing that isn't done right, or at least, up to their standards.