Hunter Blade First Look Video

Hunter Blade is a free to play 3D action MMORPG with similar gameplay to the popular Monster Hunter series.

To find more about Hunter Blade check out the game page which includes more info, user reviews, tons of screenshots, and additional videos. Don´t forget to subscribe to MMOBomb YouTube channel.

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Discussion (21)

Ddanny47 12 years ago
Has any1 noticed that the game is literally monster hunter but like 20 times worse i mean look at the w. wyvern things they were exactly the same as the baggi from monster hunter 3. and not only that the 2 handed blade is the monster hunter long sword. the only thing i didnt see it do that the MH long sword does is the final slash in the spirit attack combo. but seriously though if u want to play a game like this just play monster hunter its so much better (plus hunter blade actually took some of the models from monster hunter and repainted them). dont play waste off time. the end

Yogesh 12 years ago
yeah is good the restrictions but the game will be rrtseicted to america only, including sur, north and center of america, no only north america im from latin america, and i hate that restrictions

Dualbird12 13 years ago
Don't listen to all the people who say its a bad game. I downloaded it earlier and got to lvl 15 I think and so far its pretty good I think. I would at least recommend it for a try out. If you don't like it just delete it. I'm also waiting for Raiderz to come out but since I don't know when that is I think I'll stick with this game. Oh and for those who want to download it and play it. DO NOT download it from the official site. It takes hours. It kept giving me around 20kb/s. Just look up hunter blade download on google and click one of the links to download it faster. Only took me about an hour or so to download it that way.

Perfect World Player :D 13 years ago
nahh i wont download this im waiting for RAIDERZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but its gonna released in north america first T-T i dont when will it be released in asia -_-

Andrew 13 years ago
omg takes 3 days and 4 hours :|
to download

Iskavan kritz 13 years ago
took me 23 minutes to download. its fun i played til lv 34. later in the game you really need to have a party you cannot solo much. thats what ruined it for me. i like to solo

mayion 13 years ago
omg it takes more then 12 hourss to download??!?!?!?!

mayion 13 years ago
anyone else haveing problems with downloading it??

Kikobi 13 years ago
I refuse to play this. Sure nothing is original anymore, but this is just taking it to a new level. I'll stick to my MonsterHunter and my dream that Capcom will localize Frontier. Someone call in the Blue Bomber to clean this mess up.

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the6freak 13 years ago
Played this for months already. It's Epic. No viruses or malware.

arcticursa 13 years ago
HunterBlade Is a virus, it has been proven by two separate computers of my friends. One of which has to be wiped, the other got lucky. It has a back door trojan.
Not only that but Hunterblade literally steals some of the models from monster hunter and paints them a different color. Their players look worse, their textures are crap and they stole from MHFO. Please do NOT support this game.

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bigweel 13 years ago
anybody having a hard time downloading it?
my internet connection is overpowered but this 1,7 gig thing says its gonna take 12 hours to download

adamtm 13 years ago
Its like monster hunter, except if you strip MH from all the fun elements and leave in the grind...

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Dantiko 13 years ago
fourth time being second

Rabnash 13 years ago
Its a Online Monster Hunter!!

Ps: 1st time Being First

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