On this week's Bomblive we jumped into Neverwinter!...
On this week´s episode of Bomblive, Spunkify tries his best to combat the invading German forces in the persistent MMOFPS Heroes and Generals. Watch him score some lucky kills with his trusty M1 Garand and ride around on his trusty bicycle!
Come enjoy a livestream broadcast on our official Live Stream page every Monday and Wednesday at 2PM PST . Follow us now so you don´t miss the show. Hope to see you there!
BombLive is the official MMOBomb livestream show where viewers get to watch and interact with their favorite MMOBomb hosts! We pick some of the latest free to play games to play with our fans in this full hour live show! Come enjoy a livestream broadcast on our official Live Stream page: http://www.twitch.tv/mmobomb every Monday and Wednesday at 2PM PST.
On this week's Bomblive we jumped into Neverwinter!...
It's put itself in like with Warframe, but can it compete?
Was the wait for this troubled title worth it?
It came at the right time with the right IP, but does it deliver?
Did it really need to be a sequel? Let's find out!
You get shot from such large distances where you can not react or defend yourself, and the German teams seem to be at a large disadvantage in medium-close range thanks to their bolt-action rifles fighting semi-auto rifles on the Allied team.
It seems that it must be a headshot to kill with the bolt-action in close-medium range, while an Allied soldier can shrug it off and 2 shot you.
You sometimes slide across the ground, but I am not sure if it's a glitch or if it adds to a realistic "stopping" mechanic.
The performance is overall bad, and the balance does not seem all that great above...
What I hope is that the developers add 2 more factions, like the British or the Soviet Union, so it will add some variety to which faction to choose.
Since the game is moving towards open beta, I hope the developers will create a better tutorial or an extended tutorial for the players, and as well improve the performance, and add a few more weapons or factions.
I don't know the process of this game right now because I haven't this game since several months ago . But what I know is this game is not so [realistic]. I saw that guy reload his m1 after only 2 shoot by his One Hand while hes Swimming...
I'll pass for that reason.