Has Firefall changed for the better? - Gameplay Action

With Firefall now finally launched, Spunkify discusses the new content added to the MMOFPS, and gives his thoughts on some of Red 5's design decisions. Has Firefall finally delivered on its promises of expansive world PvE? Or will the game's progression changes prove to be too severe? Tune in to find out!

To find more about Firefall check out the game page which includes more info, user reviews, tons of screenshots, and additional videos. Don´t forget to subscribe to MMOBomb YouTube channel.

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Discussion (30)

sam jones 10 years ago
Quick answer: It's not better or worse, it's the same.

Firefall was a fantastic concept and engine many years ago - the best z-fps beta by far. Stunning graphics. Gleeful killing. Interesting resource collection & crafting. HUUUUGE potential. But alas, no content.

So they set out a plan and tried to make a game of it. And tried. And tried. Then tried again, failed, redesigned it, tried again, failed. Miraculously convinced people to stick around. Redesigned it. Tried again. Redesigned it. Convinced people to ... you get the idea. A never-ending story of enormous potential, broken promises, and laugh out loud comments from fanboys-and-designers-in-denial.

Throughout its checkered past -- 5 years running now -- Firefall has always been both great (as an idea/engine/style) and horrible (as a game).

Better or worse, no. More of the same, yes.

Scott Sigurbjartsson 10 years ago
This game sucks and if you disagree I'll report you and get you banned because I'm the internet police.

zzz@zzz.cn 10 years ago
piece of crap, they wiped again player stuff, i quit, no point to start over from sxratch

Doge 10 years ago
Tetris >>>>>Firefall

cryptera 10 years ago
like icimaru said the dragon fly's main gun's off fire throws out a hot heal. another issue i wanted to address is that after every quest lvl1-40 you get a copper coin. those coins can then be used in slot machines( they serve no other purpose than to be used at slots) and get all kinds of rewards like cosmetic items,ammo,health pack, 1-use lgv's,jump calldowns,and even 1-use glider pod calldowns. so essentially you can climb any high place lay one of those glider call downs down and glide forever to wherever you wanted to go. there's an example of a glider call down at 37mins into your video. thats not supposed to be there. a player put that there.you can also craft the glider call downs and 1-use lgv's. they did back in the closed beta have a heal gun that just latched on to players like in global agenda and healed your party members. but i think they ditched it to call more attention to the advanced frames and their special abilities and unique main wep. it sucks imo but i understand why.

TheSecondJoker 10 years ago
Game is awesome but my PC can't handle it at good fps. Well I will continue playing on very low

Ninetenduh 10 years ago
Wow the Comment Section went on to become a Fanboy War, firefall and defiance are more or less different games with a Different goal, even thought they look similar the Gameplay is Totally Different.

Back then i wanted to play FireFall becoz everyone from my Global Agenda Agency was like this gonne replace Global Agenda, the Gameplay is similar, but anything else is different.

Defiance on the other hand is more for a Mature Audience, the setting and Gameplay is more mature or at least it feels more mature to me. And to say everyone in Defiance is the for the TV Series Hype is the most stupid thing i ever heard, the TV show wasnt available in Germany untill 20 June 2014 it was only Available to US for the most time, and the show isn't even good.

Both Games are Good , yet i would Prefer Defiance since its Graphical Optimization is by far better.

Razer 10 years ago
It went from an ambitious MMO with fresh ideas to a WoW clone. It's a flop.

Anonymous 10 years ago
In Firefall, you have so limited bullets, you can't even kill a simple mob.
And don't try to run, it will agroo, follow you until the end of the map!!!
It's rediculus the ammo/agroo issue, that's why I stopped.

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Todoran 10 years ago
its a pice of shit.

yomomma 10 years ago
game is shit , dont play it

Ichimura117 10 years ago
Spunkify i want to correct what you said about the healers in firefall the dragonfly's main gun has an alt fire that heals teammates it does require you to be fairly close but it has a wide arc

Jambock 10 years ago
Well, it's in a lot of ways different of what Red5 wanted and sold as an idea from years ago but at the same time is very close of what they intended to deliver. The main change is the addition of levels (of characters and equipments), but it was gradually happening trough the years. I like the game the way it is now, it just need some adjustments in it's players leveling and improvements in it's endgame idea; but it is by far different of what Red5 wanted in the beginning. Better or worst... Hard to say... If the original idea were functional and better they would stick with it... The main sin of Red5 was the years wasted with the e-sports idea. Glad they abandoned it. As someone already said here, it isn't perfect, but nothing is.

gLORY HOLe 10 years ago
PLay firefall they said, it will have no bugs they said.

zakena 10 years ago
i still prefer war-frame to this fact being i run a alien-ware x51 but Firefall makes my pc Noisy as hell its like a car engine running next to me no clue why that happens with firefall only.

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dildoge 10 years ago
game is shit , dont play it

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LJ6148 10 years ago
wish i could run it

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hovsep56 10 years ago
the game is pretty good but it has some issues no game is perfect ofcourse

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