This week's show comes ACTION PACKED with questions about games selling their own gold, VR and MMOS, the MMO Trinity, and a whole load of other topics!...
On this episode of CloneAttack we suit up and head into the future with Halo 4. We take a look at what features make Halo 4 so fun and take a look at some free to play options that give players the same type of meaty gun-play found in both cooperative campaigns and competitive environments players have come to expect from the Halo franchise.
If you have any free to play game recommendations that Halo 4 players may enjoy be sure to share them in the comments below! Until next time what new titles would YOU like to see some alternative for? Let us know that below as well!
CloneAttack aims to offer viewers insight into the best free-to-play alternatives to your favorite buy to play games. Check what free games you can download today for your PC that have similar features, gameplay mechanics, and visuals to all the upcoming and latest releases! While there may not be exact clones, some exciting features have been duplicated in other titles. This show takes a look at the free to play games currently on the market that offer some of those same specific features even if the games are in totally different genres! Until next time what new upcoming titles would you like to see some alternative for? Let us know.
This week's show comes ACTION PACKED with questions about games selling their own gold, VR and MMOS, the MMO Trinity, and a whole load of other topics!...
Two bodies, one brain...but does it hold up?
A Paragon-inspired project actually see the light of day, but can it compete with a crowded field of MOBAs?
NCSoft and Amazon Games bring the F2P MMORPG to a global audience, but will they like it?
Strip the dungeons out of an MMORPG and just play those.
1. You are retarded. It is a fact.
2. Reading is a skill. Learn it, and fast.
3. This is not a warez site. Go elsewhere to indulge your poverty of common sense.
4. Once you have learnt to successfully read 3 consecutive words without losing focus, you will realise that these are free ALTERNATIVES to Halo 4.
5. I gracefully capitalised the word alternatives above.
the game
thanks :)
And now MS find another way to take our money.
Monkee Out
- Just Speechless -
1) TRIBES is out before HALO 4 with a longer and richer history. This is NO WAY should ever by compared to HALO, but should be compared to it's own franchise, especially things like the grappeling hook and match modes etc. Halo 4 pulls nothing out of this. You will never feel like you are playing Halo 4 on this game.
- Are you just looking around the futur FPS room and pulling any ame that has a metal suit for armor??? and making the direct comparison that it is a HALO like game??? -
2) Blacklight: "like halo, black light has a variety of weapons"...no...no..NO! Halo had weapon class based weapons interchangable that made it feel exciting to test out each weapon. Even if it was not a BIG SELECTION in Halo, it was DIVERSE enough to be engaing. Needler and sniper rifle...all you need to know... OR charge blast and pistol (drop shield and take out enemy fast)...Black light has a basic base for guns, and then allows customization to each part of the gun. HALO never did this...This is not the same feel as you get in HALO. This is Black light, and has NOTHING TO DO WITH HALO. WTF drugs did mmobomb slip in your soda?
3) PLanet Side 2; Yes, the purple metalic skins and some other elements, like speed of combat, and vehicles tossed in a map, are a little closer feeling to HALO franchise than the other games, but then after that it does not hold water. HALO assumes an identiry as Master chef in small matches. PLanet side two, your character is fodder and holds no "this is me in an epic suit so I am epic warrior" feel. It is situational combat of "ok, me and 500 people just logged in at this point, lets see if we can cap and hold nad rinse and repeat this strategy". SO visually, you almost have a Halo game, but ALL OTHER features NO! Halo has a huge alien influence as well, this is well known to be a war fighter. Planet Side 2 has more in common with World War 2 online than HALO...dafuq
4) Firefall; The fact hulans vs bugs is sort of like MAsterchef vs aliens kind of gets closer...but after that there is NOTHING like HALO in this game...
SIGH... I cant start my morning like this. This is to horrible. I was a bug fan of HAlo 1 and created my first website to host my daily scores and rounds achievements. I liked both PC and xobox version. I then was a huge fan of the second, and got so many people playing it. It was the first game that my college roommates all got into with 0 video game knowledge. I even had 4 chicks get into both the single and muktiplayer aspect because they thought it was fun. We replayed it durring dirnking nights with the guys. I even had a friend build a custom made house with the second story filled with electric plugs to host HAlo parties (and seperate little rooms to hook up other tvs and xoboxs to hide each others character from eye wondering screen peeks LOL). The third installment was kind of a let down as far as multiplayer. Things got super recycled and combat got wonky. So many times we found our selves just dancing around each other on a snowy hill...or forced into zergy hall ways, and our favorite weapons ecycled and nerfed and just bleh. Cant say allot about the 4th installment. What I can say, NONE OF THESE F2P games will ever give you a HALO expereince. MAybe Aliens Vs predator experience etc..but they are their own thing. EVen Tribes feels nothing like the old Tribes franchise...
The one and ony thing in common is that they are not wearing world war 2 clothing and it is based "in the future"...ok...why not Brick Force then? YOu can remake a halo map using Brick force....oh no....because it is not HALO...and niether are any of these games *face palm*
its an amazing game even though its in beta
With that said i would like to say to you spunk good job bro i apreciate you actually sat 1,2,3,4,5 hours to actually give your suggestions to people who actually think about this and not just complain about your opinion
Theres always people who will like and dislike something its cool nothing can be done about it hopefully all people dont like the same thing
Great job and keep going
Other than the Marathon Trilogy (which was by Bungie, themselves), I don't think anything in the Free2Play universe will truly offer a Halo-like experience. It really is a unique experience in both gameplay and storytelling. Not only that, but multiplayer is so customizable that almost every detail can be tweaked and molded to exactly how you want to play. I mean, really, theres an entire professional gaming league that's sprung up around a small joke made in one Red Vs. Blue episode.
I love Halo, and honestly I'd love to see a free to play clone, but I don't think anything can really capture the Halo experience. F2P developers and producers don't have the time, money, or the love for their projects to do it.
And to those complaining that these games are not clones ... Spunkify clearly states at the beginning of the video that the games featured are not replicas but will have the same feel/certain features in common with the game ;)