Gundog First Look Video

Gundog is a comic book style third-person shooter published by OGPlanet. In Gundog players get to fight as dogs who walk on two feet while engaged in a world war of just dogs. Players can collect unique "cards" which serve as varied loadouts and classes for players to choose from. These cards grant distinct character visuals and stats along with class specific weapons and abilities. As players level up they can unlock new cards to further their progression of a certain class type. The game offers several gameplay modes including TDM, Demolition, and Stealth.

To find more about Gundog check out the game page which includes more info, user reviews, screenshots and additional videos. Don´t forget to subscribe to MMOBomb YouTube channel.

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Discussion (32)

tqas 11 years ago
just wanna throw it out there, im getting tired of this type of game. can somebody just change the charactor looks, its all the same now. now that neverwinter and age of wushu is launching soon, i'm quite looking forward to check it out, hope its worthwile.

justinmap 11 years ago
I don't think peta will sue this, although may make another "animal cruelty" video

ThcMonkee 11 years ago
I refuse to believe that any sort of questioning of "morality" of this game is anything but a joke. Not a very good one at that, please do not perpetuate it.

Really? 11 years ago
You nailed it thats what I was talking but couldn't nail for some reason any ways you're right if you have problems in your head don't play any fps game even if it looks like a two year old made it.

D.Alex 11 years ago
Ive been playing games all my life(starting with diablo in 96) but that never made me shoot people in real life or my dog..etc...this games make you violent or makes you do things in realty its only fake I love dogs i got 3 and tryed this game for like 2 hours( like any game ) and didnt make me kill them ..O_O of course if you have mental problems yes.. you shouldnt play games at all not only this

Name (Required) 11 years ago
One day im playing a game and i shoot a dog the next day I shoot when in real life yeah shooting a dog on the computer is animal abuse SURE.

Really 11 years ago
Is this game for a two year old? I mean really come on this looks like it was meant to be in chucky cheezes arcade :/

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Kimwer 11 years ago
Why didn't they make it dog vs cats? what a missed opportunity. Like wow. How did they not think of that?

Cacalips 11 years ago
For any one not in the know: Cat Shit One....It is a manga / Movie//// never mind

TheDefiantOne 11 years ago
I'm too hooked to Defiance, to play any other shooter for some reason. Normally I'd game hop by now....

Jonathansty 11 years ago
Hey spunkify,
You should check out dxtory if you have a lot of problems with fraps. The downside of dxtory is that it only records DirectX games so no desktop recording etc. But it works smoother and can record multiple sound channels.

D.Alex 11 years ago
hey the game isnt that great ... but why all this peta and stuff anyone who cant make a diffrence between a game and reality its a retard in my opinion ... so why hate a dog vs dog world ? i luv dogs so why not play as one (its a game so what is my dog gets shot .. ITS A GAME!!!)
Anyway game sucks other then the dogs its your basic cartoonish fps

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ugurano 11 years ago
this game its a joke

Phlash 11 years ago
I can honestly say, the game sucks.

chefmadness 11 years ago
Damn another fps with a loby & only pvp. Really crappy if you asked me. The same fps over & over again. Warframe is a lot of fun & way better than this. I am tired of this loby based pvp fps crap! when is fire fall going into open beata & full release? They been working on that game for like 3 years. Wtf is up with that?

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TheThing 11 years ago
Reminds me a little of Manga Fighter.....

MrPants 11 years ago
lol furries with guns

from__hell 11 years ago
i don't know what to make of this, too bad i can't play a fps until i get a new mouse

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whocareswhatpetathinks 11 years ago
i played this game and i can honestly say screw peta, this game is great

mat 11 years ago
where are the cats being the bad guys?

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bad puns, ahoy 11 years ago
Looks like this game takes place in a dog eat dog world. Hah, bad puns aside, I'm not quite sure what to think about it.

bezze 11 years ago
i hope they will not release it in North America, because Pamela Anderson and PETA will sue them for animal cruelty 100%

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