FreeFall Tournament First Look Video

FreeFall Tournament is a 3D third-person shooter by Free Range Studio. In FreeFall players can choose from 8 different jetpack supersuits, each equipped with unique abilities and weapons. Players will be able to engage in both melee and range midair combat, with each player jetting around and picking up power ups scattered across the levels.

To find more about FreeFall Tournament check out the game page which includes more info, user reviews, screenshots and additional videos. Don´t forget to subscribe to MMOBomb YouTube channel.

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Discussion (46)

Soltész Márk 10 years ago
Nagyon jó !

Soltész Mák 10 years ago
jo nagyon

Soltész Mák 10 years ago

GirikFrost 12 years ago
the blazer is too op

jdrew2000 12 years ago
I have been playing for weeks and loved it, haven't watched the first look yet though. My main problem with the game is that you don't get all the classes for free but they switch the free ones daily. My favorite part of the game is the gravity!

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zuddz 12 years ago
what we need now is (check chefmadness' comment) is some sort of fpsmmorpg with open world, pve AND pvp. classes, levels, missions (quests) and all that. now THAT would be a game to look forward to...

im sorry if there already is a game like this, i must have missed it then.

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Matteo Dotto 12 years ago
Just a bad....very bad copy of global agenda......

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chefmadness 12 years ago
Just another good looking FPS. When is the gaming industry going to get creative? WE need BORDERLANDS ONLINE!!!!!! FPSMMORPG!!!!!!!

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TheGamer 12 years ago
Wait wait,hold on a minute...
This was on Kongregate for years!

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Cyanogen1 12 years ago
Copied Firefall's name :/

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jellopy 12 years ago
and that would be freefall not firefall, i'm really on the ball today.

jellopy 12 years ago
Sorry i meant tournament not arena but the rest still applies. I am still looking forward to this one though,just not quite as much as global agenda 2.

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jellopy 12 years ago
the game does actually have a fair pve element to it that was covered in the first look before they switched the title from firefall to firefall arena. it was majorly hyped for ages but the development process has taken so long it has started to fall off the radar of both gamers an press. it still looks promising but if they don't make a move with it soon i think they are going to shoot themselves in the foot and launch to a market that takes little notice of it.

ZhaoYun 12 years ago
Good game but i don't like it i got no idea why but i don't seems ok an fine but i cant picture myself having fine while playin this so i will pass for now

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CoffeeBlack 12 years ago
This looks very similar to Global Agenda, except that it appears to not have a PVE aspect. With the rotation of the classes it's almost as if it's a combo of Super Monday Night Combat, Global Agenda, and maybe tribes with the amount of time in the air you can spend. Don't get me wrong, it doesn't look bad, but it also looks like there is an aim assist to make you lock on to your enemies when they are in range, even with using things like a minigun.

Still, every game like this draws from what came before it, I just don't know if it would pull me away from the other games that it does draw from. I personally still have characters in GA and Tribes that I play every once in a while and I don't see anything in this game to make me think that I should drop them.

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Reaper5167 12 years ago
whoa, i'm dizzy after watching 10 mins of this, looks fun though, might try it out :D

vici 12 years ago
this looks trippy

dagudman 12 years ago
this game is a lot of fun, but gets boring after a while since there is not a lot to do in it and there is almost no one playing it.

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TheEffect 12 years ago

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gunthology 12 years ago

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