Free to Play Weekly (ep.98)

League of Legends was hacked, new Dead Island: Epidemic details are in, Perfect World talks upcoming titles, Blizzard discusses WoW's future with F2P, and more on this week's episode of F2P Weekly!

Free-To-Play Weekly with Natsumii is the exclusive web show from This show presents you with the most important news of the week about free-to-play online games and the latest releases, with a few jokes thrown in for good measure. Have fun and expect a new show next week!

Don´t forget to subscribe to Free to Play Weekly via Youtube Youtube and iTunes iTunes.


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Discussion (22)

Akebono 11 years ago
wow aint gonna go f2p , cause there is still a shitload of ppl playing it , and wow players wouldnt like it , cause this way u pay 15 dollars and everything ingame is gainable , with f2p u would have to buy useless shit and wow community wouldnt like it

Nivk 11 years ago
Guys... if WoW went F2P.. you know how many restriction they would add?!?!? its blizzard!!!! they would add ALOT

dsfsf 11 years ago
no one cares if wow goes f2p ._.

Apollo 11 years ago
We need more Natsumii.

Idra 11 years ago
Natsumii, will you marry me?

Cyberpunk 11 years ago
NO i would not play wow if it went f2p

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uteliukas 11 years ago

Yde 11 years ago
Want to play wow! But dont have the money -.-'

Anthony 11 years ago
Absolutely, I was a really big WoW player but money is tight and I have priorities greater than video games, which is why I switched to F2P. WoW going F2P would be a great thing for me, and would undoubtedly cause me to return to the game. I've been itching to buy some game time lately to play since it's been a while; No F2P WoW clone is nearly as good, hence my excitement for WoW to go F2P! Come on Blizzard! :D

CBGenesis 11 years ago
The WoW going free to play thing sounds interesting to me, but I was expecting it to happen at some point of time, just to start out on the game costs alot of money now if you want to play with the expansions, so one would think they would be getting less and less new players who are actually sticking around. The Dead Island Moba is starting to sound pretty interesting, I like the 3 teams plus zombies thing they got going on, hopefully people will actually give it a shot instead of just saying "Not another Moba" and never actually trying it out.

MAXhevy999 11 years ago
I expected Dead Island: Epidemic to be more like dead frontier :|

jonathan steyfkens 11 years ago
Wait whut... Did mean dutch as in Dutch people that live in Belgium and netherlands?
Or dutch as in I am from america and don't know that people speak german in germany?
So Is the name dutch or german?

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uteliukas 11 years ago
I hope WoW will go F2P, if so, the population will grow like 10 times if not more lol

Hehe 11 years ago
If, WOW go's F2P, Think of all that lag..........Oh wait that's u american's. EU get's no lag hehe..And our WOW realm's are alway's PACKED!

Ghostic 11 years ago
I would totally play WoW if it went free

Mgamer 11 years ago
Black gold totally lost me....i hope Dead Island people know what they are doing with the game. I certainly dislike it already.

Tamei 11 years ago
I want to play PWE upcoming ><. I'll wait

Anonymous 11 years ago
hell yea. if WoW went f2p i would play it.

NobleNerd 11 years ago

F2Pmaster 11 years ago
didnt this ep already came out last week xD

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Free To Play Weekly (Ep.97)

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