Free To Play Weekly (Ep.89)

Dragon's Prophet open beta details emerge. EA discusses gameplay mechanics for their upcoming MOBA Dawngate . Obsidian and Al-lods team up to create the MMO, Skyforge. Cryptic devs discuss life in Neverwinter's post-caturday, and much more!

Free-To-Play Weekly with Squid is the exclusive web show from This show presents you with the most important news of the week about free-to-play online games and the latest releases, with a few jokes thrown in for good measure. Have fun and expect a new show next week!

Don´t forget to subscribe to Free to Play Weekly via Youtube Youtube and iTunes iTunes.


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Discussion (23)

Alexandervga 11 years ago
Spunkifyyyyy's wife OUT!

Xepo Stillheart 11 years ago
Lots of change and yet it seems like they are always a few weeks to a month behind of the pack. As of late I don't really come here much anymore for my info. I loved it when Magicman was here!

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Treeman De Unmountable 11 years ago
Thanks for covering for Hannah Mrs. Spunkify.

FFS guys, good job making Hannah quit. I really like her commentary, it's so much more clearer. :(

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sethsamson 11 years ago
mmobomb what is going on ... first magicman .. then jess now hanna ... hmmm with out magicman u can change the site name to mmopup

Cyril 11 years ago
I like Squid.

Rippart 11 years ago
So much change! I'm getting really sad, its hard to adapt to changes especially when I'm about to get used to something, it changed off at another point D:

Wat 11 years ago
lol Am I the only one who noticed they used the themesong for Quinn in League of Legends for the Dawngate section?

spyhard420 11 years ago
same she should do it more ;)

ChrisHateZ 11 years ago
You guys should hire her to do the news from now. That voice, finally a news person with a voice that's not annoying or irritating in any way but rather very pleasant to listen to, perfect pitch as well. I think she sounds more proffesional too.


iluvgamez 11 years ago
Where is hannaaaaaahhhhhh?! Come on spunky :/ Thats not funny at all! >:o

Dragoninja 11 years ago
What the hell is going on with FTPW?

This temp replacement does have a cute voice, though. :)

Hopefully the next one that comes in stays awhile, really likes games and knows what they are talking about.

Someone real and excited about games.

And guys, it doesn't have to be a really hot chick.

I would actually prefer a guy that knew what he was talking about, had an opinion and was excited about games over a hot chick any day (only in regards to FTPW, lol).

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Bloodywing 11 years ago
No more Hannah? Sad.

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