Free To Play Weekly (Ep.79)

This week on Free to Play Weekly: Neverwinter dishes out its first beta details, Tera officially goes F2P, Dirty Bomb opens up closed alpha testing, War Thunder takes off, and more!

Free-To-Play Weekly with Jessica Brohard is the exclusive web show from This show presents you with the most important news of the week about free-to-play online games and the latest releases, with a few jokes thrown in for good measure. Have fun and expect a new show next week!

Don´t forget to subscribe to Free to Play Weekly via Youtube Youtube and iTunes iTunes.

Game of the Week: Path of Exile


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Discussion (30)

Shelby 12 years ago
How is neverwinter based off of DnD? I never recall being able to do thousands of points of dmg in DnD based games seeing as you cant roll that high without having hundreds of dice. I highly doubt the class system is anything like it either with multiclassing/ dual classing. Seems to me the only resemblance is the blatant plagiarism of their name, and are just using it to try to increase sales. Perfect world fails again.

joe 12 years ago
Brink ost at the background hellyeah

victor 12 years ago
I find this f2p mmorpg. I can't play it because it is pc and not mac. But I figured would love to try it out. os here is a new mmo for

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fdafds 12 years ago
what happened to the post that said jessica is hot?

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node357 12 years ago
Charging a fee for beta testing is only slightly more sad than the fact that people are willing to do the work for that fee. All for early access. It's stuff like this that shows how deluded most gamers are, and how clearly the games industry sees it an exploits it. Just pushers and addicts in the guise of consumer entertainment. I'm hooked too, but not enough to pay a company for the opportunity to do their work for them.

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Robey 12 years ago
I paid for Planetside 2's Beta Access...and I enjoyed it...but have since quit playing it and feel dumb for shelling out $40 for a month's early access. I should have waited...but I was too excited.

ZhaoYun 12 years ago
cant wait for dirtybomb and neverwinter hopefully there will be people rich/willing enough to get the founder packs so i can play when both go to ob as for war thunder i hate plane driving so call me when they decide to make tanks/warships playable by players and not npcs or mobs

Sc0 12 years ago
The music that played when she did the Dirty Bomb news was ht etheme song from brink it made me sad to hear the soundtrack because i liked the game alot but now its dead :(

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Gabrel B. 12 years ago
Oh god Tera is now free-to-play. I stoped the video right tera and get Tera.I love MMOBomb

RDX 12 years ago
@Cacalips : which game are you talkin about ?

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Cacalips 12 years ago
So, It is one week I have been studying the servers and getting feed back in both US and EU.
The verdict is in. They have negineered the game to put you in a Pay to LOG IN model for the free 2 players.

You will wiat anywhere from 30min to 2hours each evening (peak times) and all weekends. The time goes up the later you join.
The servers have a rating of base or low, middle, and high server populations. IF you are a foundry member, you can get in first on low to high populations. IF you are in the club, you can get in at mid to high.

IF you log in around 5-6pm as a F2P you have a wait of 30 min 700 people. Then 7-9 1000 people and one hour, then 2K + and over 2 hours wait just until 11PM. Weekends are 2 hour waits 2K people (so they say) noon until midnight.

Odd, this was not the case at launch. I created a character and play on peak time and hit level 16. Now I am locked out of the game unless I wait. And you are going to love the client time out after 15min waiting, so after you wait 60 min. You will have been DCd for wating and thrown back in the line....
I have created an alt but I really nejoyed the community I was with and gained a guild and friends that are waiting for me. MY alt is a "low" server that was fact, in response to this problem, the FAIL company made 3 new "international servers"...all PvP. It is the ultimate troll. 'Stuck out of your PvE server? here, try a PvP and gank troll fest. Sorry we did not miror a server for your region, we fail to focus on client needs." SSeriously MY server has never hit HIGH, only medium, but we have to pay, as mentioned above, to get in. All they need to do to balance this, if it is not pay to log in gimik, is mirror the TOP 3 POPULATED servers: Mirror 1, 2, and 3 and done. All the others are marked "LOW", so why create 3 new PVP and ignore the regions that need it the most??? YOU GUESSED IT

P2L = Pay to Login. Honostly, bravo, never thought greed could get so low in gaming.

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Second 12 years ago
Jess, will you be featured in any other shows? I would love to hear your opinions on the f2p cast or see some gameplay from you. Maybe a co-op video with runnning dialogue between you and another host.

Dragoninja 12 years ago
Jessica is really getting comfortable and doing amazing in these videos! I hated the change at first but now I'm really glad shes on the team. Keep up the good work!

Cyberpunk 12 years ago
to many fps and rpg video games period,we need more strategy games

gqninja 12 years ago
Jessica Mounted! >_<

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Azure Le Rook 12 years ago
all ways enjoy new newsfeeds :D

Umpa Lumpa 12 years ago
Umpa Lumpa dumpa di da, Jess is so hot and she totally awesome.

Senkorui 12 years ago
Never have payed for beta access, nor alpha access and it's just not right to pay for it.. Bullet run was a pretty bad game anyways. o3o Can't just throw out any f2p game out there anymore, right?

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Treeman De Unmountable 12 years ago

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F2P Cast: Founder's Packs for Sale! (Ep 59)

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By MMOBomb Staff -

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