Free To Play Weekly (Ep.76)

This week on Free to Play Weekly: TERA goes free to play, Akaneiro: Demon Hunters dashes towards release, MechWarrior Tactics moves into closed beta at a price, Neverwinter reveals its next class and more!

Free-To-Play Weekly with Jessica Brohard is the exclusive web show from This show presents you with the most important news of the week about free-to-play online games and the latest releases, with a few jokes thrown in for good measure. Have fun and expect a new show next week!

Don´t forget to subscribe to Free to Play Weekly via Youtube Youtube and iTunes iTunes.

Game of the Week: Microvolts


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Discussion (41)

rpaz 12 years ago
I wanna have you babies bomber girl!

TheGamer 12 years ago
About those strongboxes, as long as it dont have gamebreaking items or P2W stuff, iam ok with it.

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Cacalips 12 years ago
I just realized the link I keep pasting is rigged to spit you back at the help section, and not take you to the lock box part. Well played TERA. Ok, here is what you have to do since have you trolls dont do research or/and have the attention span of gnats:

1) Scroll down to payment tier list:­rising-play-for-free

2) Find consumables line, click on LOCK BOXES.

3) It is not F2P is your armor is in lock boxes. But yes, you can technically fight the boss for free, and when pvp and dungeons runs are based on gear (not target less skill), your gonna want to pay.

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c 12 years ago
Ok the site is back online, here it is:

So although you can technically “enjoy all the content” their offer is no less different than ALL THE OTHER F2P CONVERSIONS that gimp you in some way (cant wear blue armor unless cash, cant get armor upgrades unless cash) And this game is HEAVILY ARMOR BASED (especially pvp…yes, non targeting is not at all a skill based system…armor will always be the judge).

ENJOY. In before that troll who doesnt play games: ZhaoYun replies. But you all know to ignore him already ^^

Cacalips 12 years ago
Ok the site is back online, here it is:

So although you can technically "enjoy all the content" their offer is no less different than ALL THE OTHER F2P CONVERSIONS that gimp you in some way (cant wear blue armor unless cash, cant get armor upgrades unless cash) And this game is HEAVILY ARMOR BASED (especially pvp...yes, non targeting is not at all a skill based system...armor will always be the judge).

ENJOY. In before that troll who doesnt play games: ZhaoYun replies. But you all know to ignore him already ^^

Carter 12 years ago
well as i see it there are alot of ppl like the wow fan boys degrade a game just because its not like the game they put money into, but imo i believe a game is good or great depending upon what the game offers not just graphics, i played Knight Online not the greatest of graphics by far (Hackers ruined That game for me). but the content of it aion has a bit that i like: pets, crafting, housing, title systems, and so on and plus many adverse looks for your char. and another big plus is char creation. but now im off to try tera it looks promising ^.^

gqninja 12 years ago
TERA and AION are both lame.. Quit your bitch fest everyone.

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HaiGuise 12 years ago
Only downside to TERA is that its not even well optimized. It runs like a Console port which is terrible and annoying. I have to put it on low settings and low resolution JUST TO PLAY IT without dropping under 50 FPS! I am using the Happy Cloud downloader because it works 10x better than the original and En Masse said to me that its because Happy Cloud didn't download the full game, so I suppose thats why. I can run Battlefield 3 maxed out 50-70 FPS and when Recording 35-45 FPS. I can also run Vanguard maxed out at very decent frames. Including many other sort of games. Big disappointment for me since TERA is unoptimized and that means less players since most people can't get a super high end PC!

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pyfs 12 years ago
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah shes so pretty

ZhaoYun 12 years ago
Tera=playing the trial currently on Tempest Reach its pretty good game it seems like my graphic card can't support it so i play on lowest resolution and have the lowest graphic options so its all good i like the game don't offer anything shocking or special to me till now(i am lvl 21)but what sucks is that there are boss quests/dungeons and since i am restricted to chat i can't find people to do those things with which is horrible.Anyways the game is good and i like it overall

Neverwinter=as many i am just another excited guy whos is waiting for this game

MechWarrior Tactics=interesting but not my thing at all

Akaneiro Demon Hunters=don't really like this game so much as i though u can like 1 hit everything which is what i dislike and made me not wanna play more

Cabal online=never played it never gave it too much attention but good for the for getting a new update

Microvolts=fun shooter it reminded me of toy story kinda at start its a good game to pass ur time with and sit down for an hour and play(p.s i liked the zombie mode there a lot too)

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crazypenguin 12 years ago
tera graphic are good

oscar 12 years ago
iam form israel and i want to play tera but i got user authenication and i heard about the update that they will blok the ip for many players in Asia, Africa, Russia, and the Middle East is ther hope to paly that game in my contry ????

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removalmitt 12 years ago
Tera - currently playing the 'unlimited trial' before it goes f2p, it'll give me a chance to see if it's worth playing for a decent time...ok so far but nothing groundbreaking or amazing for me

Guess next game I'll be looking forward to is Neverwinter, then Elder Scrolls Online (but that sounds too good to be ftp)

Carter 12 years ago
every game in this episode is all that id like to try, specially neverwinter and tera f2p. i wonder if Aion will be knocked off its perch as top f2p game by tera?! o and nice LOL quote lol^^

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essam 12 years ago

essam 12 years ago

essam 12 years ago

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