Free To Play Weekly (ep.73)

This week on Free to Play Weekly: Hawken powers up its open beta phase, End of Nations lives on, Crytek discusses F2P future, League of Legends delves into season 3 updates, Path of Exile gets an open beta date and more!

Free-To-Play Weekly with Jessica Brohard is the exclusive web show from This show presents you with the most important news of the week about free-to-play online games and the latest releases, with a few jokes thrown in for good measure. Have fun and expect a new show next week!

Don´t forget to subscribe to Free to Play Weekly via Youtube Youtube and iTunes iTunes.

Game of the Week: Dynasty Warrior Online


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Discussion (18)

CxiiVladi 12 years ago
I Like Path of Exile

Momen 12 years ago
what are u talking about guys its my first time see this show and i just love it and about the way that jessica talking some haters say she talk fast and bla bla bla .... she is the coolest thing in the show and i want to tell the haters some thing im arabian From Egypt and nothing she talk about I dont understand it so its very very very Beautiful show and keeb it up cuz its rock and i love it

Josmal 12 years ago
Any posibility we could have this "articles" in written form or subtitled? You know, for the hearing impaired? Thank You.

Ferenczy 12 years ago
jess you did fine...haters gonna hate right?

fdsafsd 12 years ago
mayan apocalypse? oh ffs do your research and stop believing the media. seriously, it's getting old. it's a CYCLE of celestial objects (i.e. procession of the equinox). or for seriously stupid people, that means we are going into the zodiac sign of aquarius.

now stop making absurd ridiculous claims about the mayans, it's unprofessional of you and your staff.

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Carter 12 years ago
Man you crazy nothing she does makes her look bad, shes always beautiful!

Vlad 12 years ago
Call me a hater or whatever you want but this is probably the worst delivery of information I've ever witnessed. Despite her being easy on the eyes, she sounds like a robot, and she puts too much emphasis on all the wrong words. I know they try to make these episodes short but she just blazes through the script like she's in a competition on who can read the fastest. Also, the main image for the video (not sure what it's called. The image of her before you play the video) is terrible. Her smile is very insincere. In order to mimic a genuine smile one must smile with not just their mouth but with their eyes too. If you were to cover her face from nose down it looks like she is very serious.
If you're studying in college, why not opt in for some speech classes? They're pretty much required for every major anyways.

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Cyberpunk 12 years ago
Update on HAWKEN-they have fixed all connection issues and everything is working great

Cyberpunk 12 years ago
HAWKEN is having a lot of connection issues but they are working on it.I love HAWKEN

Zhao Yun 12 years ago
i would reccomend dwo but only for pwe players cause last time i played almost 1 year ago no matter what kind of pc u had the moment u went near a player u kept getting lags and stuff then again this was 1 year ago so idk maybe they fixed it but i would reccomend this game defenetly.For path of exile i quess it seems good i am don't like it honestly but then again i am not a diablo fan so its all good.And for end of nations its just wait wait wait for now and according to what i think(as magicman said)i doubt this game will be f2p anymore but fingers crossed as for jessica awesome as every time :D

Hugo 12 years ago
Path of Exile looks good

Anonymous 12 years ago
Something is odd about her eyes... That makeup doesn't fit her eyes.

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