Free To Play Weekly (ep.61)

This week on Free to Play Weekly, ArcheBlade was announced, Sevencore open beta date and much more.

Free-To-Play Weekly with Jessica Brohard is the exclusive web show from This show presents you with the most important news of the week about free-to-play online games and the latest releases, with a few jokes thrown in for good measure. Have fun and expect a new show next week!

Don´t forget to subscribe to Free to Play Weekly via Youtube Youtube and iTunes iTunes.

Game of the Week: Aion


Other Game News By ScrewAttack:

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Discussion (19)

Umbatron 12 years ago
Jessica i want you in my bed

Okoice 12 years ago
Cool heart with hands ;D

Biraninja 12 years ago
cooll gtrzz gameeeee.............

Typerz 12 years ago
wait what!
never atack Russia in the winter?
Russia got there ass handed to them in a winter war against Finland XD cas finland where to got att winter combat! =P

montiblanc 12 years ago
says u can find out the official details to signup for archeblade on news section in this vid....that is completely false you cannot signup for the game all signups ended last month on the 25th and had no keys a day before that either so please update your next vid that you cannot play or signup for archeblade atm

Ditto ^^ 12 years ago

ThcMonkee 12 years ago
She is getting better at this. Good job.

Also, something that i feel like mentioning is that there seams to be a design flaw in F2P Weekly show. You see, I already know everything that Jessica is so charmingly presenting. I learned of all that info from this webpage no less. The show is very rarely actually informative, much like regular news on TV simply because people get informed of the news practically as it is happening. It is the nature of the internet. The once per week model simply isn't adequate if information is the purpose. The timing of the show is ok but I think the show needs to be sprinkled with user commentary, forum activity and generally more of that kind of user created news. And update-type of information, like statistics, something that you follow from week to week and report on it, maybe those MMOBomb guilds in different games can be utilized...

Well, actually, the more i think about it the more complicated it all seams and the less i feel equipped to actually talk about such an endeavour. Good thing it's someone else's job and i'm just a guy on the internet, eh ?

But the show does kind of need a little more umph to it.


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Drinkalot 12 years ago
uuuuum first? xD

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